23 Anti Tank Cubes S0010392, South Gare, Redcar

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Impressive row of undamaged cubes blocking a gap which now sits in the hinterland between the Coatham Marsh and Tatasteel / SSI site.

South Gare, Anti Tank Cubes S0010392-3
South Gare, Anti Tank Cubes S0010392-2
South Gare, Anti Tank Cubes S0010392-1

Update : As of 2012 a pipeline has been run through this area, but as far as I can tell from a distance the cubes have been left intact.

One thought on “23 Anti Tank Cubes S0010392, South Gare, Redcar

  1. very interesting site, I would like to be able to make contributions. I have the benefit of living and working oin the area an have many opportunities to make observations and take photographs. How can I contribute ?

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