4 thoughts on “Coastal Battery S0005918, South Gare, Redcar

  1. My farther was born & raised in Warrenby (1908),he always had a lot to say about the South Gare Coastal Gun emplacment. When I was a boy of aprox 8/10 years of age I remember my farther taking me to the South Gare to observe the practice Gun Firing at a Towed Sea Target.
    My farher told me that the Gun was only fired once per year and that the Gare Road was Closed to traffice during this time. We were only allowed as far the end of Warrenby Steel Works.
    Do you have any information regarding these practice Firings or is my memory playing tricks.

  2. Alan, as I understand the road is still closed one day a year in order to keep its private road status. no idea if that ever tied in with gun firing or if its two stories merged into one.

    • Alan. The South Gare road closure had nothing to do with the guns. The road is private and the one day a year closure is to exercise that privacy and keep it from becoming a public access road. If you had a registered boat, a fisherman’s hut or business at the Gare as a Pilot or Lifeboatman would have then access was not denied. We had a houseboat at the Gare for years and we were never denied access. I am not sure if the closure is still carried out these days and ownership of the land has changed.

  3. As a young kid staying at redcar caravan park looking towards teeside
    Saw a tank top exploring found a gun battery this was in the 60s
    It was like a mini guns of naverone with a metal tank top looking out back saw dorman and long steel works this as a kid blew my mind now all gone did I imagine it only one pill box in the area any pic of what I found I understand it was blown up for a gas pipe to the steel works any response to the subject would be a bonus

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