Henry Pease Statue in Saltburn

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Victorian Industrialist Henry Pease effectively created Saltburn, after having a vision of it on the cliff.
“seated on the hillside he had seen, in a sort of prophetic vision, on the edge of the cliff before him, a town arise and the quiet unfrequented glen turned into a lovely garden.”
The Quaker families influence on the railway and mines in the area is immense.

Henry Pease Sculpture Saltburn 3
Henry Pease Sculpture Saltburn 2

Sculpure by Hilary Cartmel

Henry Pease Sculpture Saltburn 1

One thought on “Henry Pease Statue in Saltburn

  1. Nice, like it. Sort of statue you should have of a man who founded towns based on prophetic visions.

    Damn this text is really small.

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