Kilton Ironstone Mine

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The shale heap is visible from miles around and a number of building survive on the ground.

Kilton Ironstone Mine 1
Kilton Ironstone Mine 4
Kilton Ironstone Mine 9
Kilton Ironstone Mine 8
Kilton Ironstone Mine 5
Although one building, possible a workshop is in danger of complete collapse.
Kilton Ironstone Mine 3
The winder house is much more sturdy as its built from reinforced concrete, although in recent years the steps pictured have collapsed
Kilton Ironstone Mine 2
The capped 694ft shaft is also visible
Kilton Ironstone Mine Shaft
In the side of a small shale heap is a small tunnel, perhaps some kind of shelter or storage area as this isnt a drift mine.
Kilton Ironstone Mine 6
Kilton Ironstone Mine 7
Away in the woods to the east is a small building, I initially though it may be a powder magazine but its not very sturdy and a 1950s map shows a meter house for the Cleveland Water Company in this area.
Kilton Ironstone Mine Water Meter House 2
Kilton Ironstone Mine Water Meter House 1

11 thoughts on “Kilton Ironstone Mine

  1. just reading through the kilton files when i saw your entry , i have just moved from kilton after spending 43 years there, and just to let you know the powder house is on the north east side of the shale tip , just on the bend of the small steam that runs at the bottom of the heap. you maybe knew this but i thought it was worth a mention yours sincerely D.HOLMES

  2. Very informative piece on Kilton! Well done. The site is well worth a visit but you need to be aware of local ‘characters’ who use the site for paintballing games on occasion….

  3. The rail link up to the junction near Lumpsey can still be followed today, although it is rather overgrown/muddy in places.

  4. Pingback: Lingdale Branch Junction, Railway Bridges, Kilton Thorpe | Hidden Teesside

  5. Does anyone out there know who is taking vast amounts of the heap away? I was there on Fri 27th July 2012 and saw that it is being taken away on an industrial scale.I thought it was a protected site! A large area near to the hole that has been dug into the heap has been cleared-???? Edward

    • We believe the material was removed in 2010 and it was raised with the landowner at the time, more recently it seems to have come to the attention of local councillors and has been raised with the landowners again who have moved the old steps from the winding house to block access.

      However if anyone observes further removal, it should be reported.

  6. I don’t know why anyone would want to use shale anyway. My knowledge of construction is poor however I do recall problems caused by its use in house building. Any thoughts anybody?

  7. As already mentioned. The shale heap at kilton ironstone mine can be seen from all over teesside. Similarly, take a walk to the top of this hand built memorial to all those brave men, who’s hard work, created this wonderful viewpoint. Take a 360° look at the best view you will get anywhere in Cleveland. A million times better than the vertical pier. Built by the hands of real men, who paid their taxes. NOT by taxpayers money.

  8. I remember visiting the site in about 1970 on a walk with my grandad. It was pretty much intact, there was even coke and kindling still in the backsmith shop Hearth.

    My grandad bought the contents of the Blacksmiths at a site auction when it closed. We had all the tools, the anvil a bench with vice and the blower from the hearth all set up in his own workshop. He was a Blacksmith at Lumpsey before it closed then worked at Skinningrove Iron and Steel as a Blacksmith.

  9. From my recent exploration of the site is seems the remaining buildings have been levelled I thought this was a protected site

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