The entrance can be easily located by crossing the stepping stones near the old mill and travelling towards the viaduct on the south bank
The brickwork around the entrance is under attack from the trees
Inside the tunnel is in good condition, although muddy. The dark red line on the side suggests it may have been deeply flooded at some point in the past.
In the stream outside there is a row of bricks with some discoloured water leaking out, perhaps some sort of drain from the drift.
This drift is a failed drainage level for Longacres mines.
Ironstone Drift in Saltburn Woods

I believe this drift is linked to the Longacres mine at nearby Skelton.
Close by are the remains of Marske Mill, which I believe was partially excavated by Steve Sherlock(?) in the 1970’s as part of an industrial archaeology project.
Has anyone had a walk into this tunnel?
yes , it only goes back about 30 yards if i remember correctly and ends with a brick wall
I Crossed the stones and turned left up a bank but still couldnt find it can you help me with this please im coming from the railway bridge path.paul
Go over the stepping stones turn right head back towards viaduct. After a hundred or so metres you’ll see it on ya left.
Me my brother and his girlfriend had a trek to this drift mine at saltburn anyways to get to it you need to go from the viaduct side cross the stepping stone turn right you will see that their isn’t a proper path as such it’s more like an animal track if u step over the fallen tree then keep walking along the becks edge be prepared to hang on to trees and to slip the odd time a good pair of walking boots or wellies is a must u will get muddy boots. Keep walking along the egde of stream for about 5mins then look up to the left up a small bank you will find the mine entrance.
It’s completely blocked by a roof fall about twenty metres in now.
Has been for a long time I think.
I had planned to dig a trench so the stagnant water could flow out