Kilton Castle

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This is my first third party contribution courtesy of barender and redpete from so many thanks to them for the photos and information. Click on the small thumbnails for bigger photos although not from the usual Flickr.

First things first, this site is on private property belonging to Skelton Estates and they had permission to visit it. If you intend to visit, make sure you get permission too.

The remains visible are of a castle built between 1190 and 1200 by the Kilton family on a long promentary overlooking Kilton Beck. By the mid 1300s it had fallen out of use and was totally abandoned by the 16th century. The area covers approximately 100m x 30m and has been heavily robbed out over the years.
The eastern tower contains a crossbow window, and a huge crack that will eventually lead to its demise.
Kilton 1 Kilton 2

Here are some shots of the same area internally.
Kilton 10Kilton 7

A stretch of the northern wall still remains.

Kilton 3 Kilton 6Kilton 5

Some doorways are still visible in the heavy undergrowth now covering the internally structure, one has been highlighted for us here.

Kilton 9a

Also the remains of a well are visible inside.

Kilton 13

Tees Archaeology has a huge amount of detail on the castle.

16 thoughts on “Kilton Castle

  1. Thank you so much for posting these wonderful photos! I have dreamed for decades of visiting the castle of Marmeduke de Thwenge since we share the same (odd) last name. I don’t know if any of it will still be standing by the time I get there, so these photos are much appreciated

  2. I was wondering if I could get directions to the Kilton Castle ruins from Kilton Lane. I have permission to visit the site while I am visiting the area in May and would appreciate any help anyone could give me.

    • The castle remains are at the end of a farm track at Kilton Thorpe’ directions are difficult to give here but better to look on a map of Kilton or ask someone when you get to kilton’ it’s hidden by trees so you need pointing in the right direction.I know permission should be sought but I’ve visited the castle many times without it.

  3. I have an extensive history of Kilton Castle which details its construction thru its destruction by Cromwell’s “roundheads” when they hear vesper bells ringing and afterwards when it was repurchased by a Thwing descendant and parts of the land were mined for coal

    • I noticed there is a private road sign which has been put up on the end of the farm track, can you still access the castle through this track?

      • The castle is on private property and always has been, anyone wishing to visit would have to arrange it with Skelton Estates.

  4. Approaching the castle , walking past the farmhouse to the entry via the wood, it is easy to make out the area that would have supported the castle but this has not been explored or in any way dug.

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