Drift Entrance in Carr Wood, Beckhole

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A number of the mines in this area were buried by a huge landslip in 1864, its is still very apparent today and covers the tramway by the riverside too, I located one drift below a small outcrop, although its difficult to reach.
Drift mine entrance in a cliff
Drift mine entrance in a cliff

The drift has wellington height water in the bottom, so on my first visit I was unable to go further than the entrance.
Ironstone drift mine in cliff
Ironstone drift mine in cliff

However on my return visit I was able to explore around the corner, although unfortunately it doesn’t continue very far. The tunnel ends with a neatly cut face rather than a collapse suggesting it was some sort of trial rather than a worked area.

End of Ironstone Drift in Carr Wood, Beck Hole
Ironstone Drift in Carr Wood, Beck Hole

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