Boiling Well or Abba (Abbey) Well, Whitby

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Boiling Well, Whitby Boiling Well, Whitby

Boiling Well, Whitby

Currently the plaque says :-

“In the early nineteenth century Mr Joseph Brown piped water from this spring to a reservoir in the grounds of Whitby Abbey, to provide a clean and reliable water supply to the east side of Whitby”

Apparently a few years ago there was a different plaque. which read.

T’awd Abba Well
Also known as the old Boiling Well

Lang centuries aback
This wor’t awd Abba Well
Saint Hilda veiled i’ black
Lang centuries aback
Supped frey it an no lack
All t sisterhood as well
Lang centuries aback
This wor’t awd Abba Well

Not the best photos in the world, as I only had a mobile phone with me.

Update January 2009

Sheila Welch has kindly provided some slides of the well taken in the 1970s by her father George Towndrow, these show the original plaque still in place.

Abba Well, Whitby 70s

Abba Well, Whitby 70s

5 thoughts on “Boiling Well or Abba (Abbey) Well, Whitby

  1. I have 2 slides of the Well taken in the ’70s. One is a close up of the old inscription. Happy to post them to you if contact me…

  2. Do you have any information as to why it is called the Boiling Well? Does this have any reference to temperature or is this simply referring to the bubbling up of the spring?

  3. just came across an old photo we (me and wife to be) took of this plaque on holiday in Easter 1980 but couldn’t remember where or what it was about other than the album was Whitby region. We just revisited the area and our old album. Quick search on Google we picked up your site. Many thanks

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