Hummersea Pillbox Posted on September 19, 2009 by chris.twigg Show on map Its seems like an eternity since I posted any new pillboxes, so here’s one from Hummersea above Skinningrove Its flooded inside, so no internal shots. Share this:EmailPrintFacebookMoreX
Bearing in mind the importance of the steelworks to the war effort, I am surprised that there are not more of these structures around. Reply ↓
I remember as a kid in the late 60s and early 70s all the pillboxes and other stuff were still there. We used to play in the one down by the beach. Saltburn used to have a Pillbox as well up into the 80s when it was washed out. Reply ↓
Bearing in mind the importance of the steelworks to the war effort, I am surprised that there are not more of these structures around.
The picture is a bit more colourful if you look what there was rather than whats left.
All in all pretty well fortified!
I remember as a kid in the late 60s and early 70s all the pillboxes and other stuff were still there. We used to play in the one down by the beach. Saltburn used to have a Pillbox as well up into the 80s when it was washed out.