The stone is mentioned in the first preamble of the Duncombe Estate from 1642, other than that very little is known of its origins or the reason for the carving.
Face Stone, Urra Moor

23 local scenes from 1994/1995 by the blacksmith Chris Topp from designs by Stephen Abbey, Humphrey Holland, Richard Albanese and Pete Douglas. , situated between the Regent cinema and the boating lake.
They all contain letters which form a riddle (answers on a postcard)
UPDATE : As of 2012 these have been removed for the development of the new sea wall, it is unknown whether they will return.
UPDATE : The returned in 2013, but in different locations all along the sea front.
More from the archives.
I’m struggling to find any reference to the origins of the naval mine that stands next to Saltburn Pier, presumably its from the war, but I don’t know which.
I do recall that from time to time munitions are washed up on Saltburn beach from wartime wrecks.