Memorial Plaque to William Henry Thomas

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William Henry Thomas (1858 – 1923) was the founder of the Middlesbrough and District Betterment and Open Spaces Association, a small rest garden on Acklam Road houses the memorial.

 Boro 001 Boro 002

Considering the subject matter, its rather sad that part of the park has recently been lost to roundabout for new housing estate and the general state of disrepair of the steps leading up to the monument.

Boro 003 

However I found some council meeting minutes which say the developer is to spend £500,000 on upgrading the public open space, hopefully those will include the park and memorial.

7 thoughts on “Memorial Plaque to William Henry Thomas

  1. Excellent! Thank you for taking up my suggestion. A few good photos and interesting to hear the plans too, hope they incorporate the current features nicely.

  2. This man was a sucessful Printer, Publisher and Stationer.
    Born in Pickhill Yorkshire he is listed as living in Middlesbrough area from 1881 census and was still single in 1911.

  3. There was a road safety / cycling course around the paths with miniature road signs in this small park in the late1950s. When a child at St Francis’ school we walked to see it being opened. I think, by Coco the Clown. All good health and safety but the real attraction for kids in the area was the ‘Bricky’ on the other side of Acklam Road which was a piece of derelict land that was left from the extraction of clay to make bricks on site. This provided an ‘adventure playground’ that certainly wasn’t safe! Tennis courts bulit on the ‘Bricky’ in later years have been replaced by a playground, basketball court and football pitch. The removal of clay left a hollow depression so the surrounding houses on Burlam Road and Hollins Lane appear to be on a ‘cliff’.

  4. Do you have any further information on this particular site, specifically the council minutes? I’m informed that the park and therefore the plaque etc. by default is to be developed in to a retail outlet. A loss to the neighbourhood and the people of Middlesbrough. Any information you may have that will help prevent this will be most useful. Thank-you.

  5. Recently MIDDLESBROUGH council have proposed to build an Aldi Store on this park, let’s hope this does not happen. There is other land close by that would be suitable for this store.

  6. Just wondering what transpired. William Henry Thomas’s son William Henry Thomas (also a printer with Jordisons b.1899 to 1980) was my grandfather.

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