I first came across this site nearly 20 months ago and hadn’t realised what it was at the time, now looking back with a little more experience it became apparent it was on the whinstone dyke crossing the area.
A small quarry cutting can be seen with rocks outcropping from the sides.
A small bridge over a stream is visible which connected the site to the adjacent railway line
Interstingly, the Dyke is the remaining evidence of possibly the most catyclismic event to hit this area, with a split in the earth’s crust stretching all the way from SE Iceland to the Noeth Sea, and fomed in Jurassic times – so the local big dragons would have had a bit of a shock.
david walsh Says:
January 22nd, 2010 at 1:58 pm
“Interstingly, the Dyke is the remaining evidence of possibly the most catyclismic event to hit this area, with a split in the earth’s crust stretching all the way from SE Iceland to the Noeth Sea, and fomed in Jurassic times – so the local big dragons would have had a bit of a shock.”
Most of the above is factually incorrect, The Cleveland Dyke is the southernmost member of a swarm of east–west to WNW–ESE trending tholeiite (quartz dolerite) dykes in Northeast England which are focused on the Mull Tertiary Central Complex. It is the most laterally extensive and best-exposed member of this swarm being intruded at considerable depth over a period of a few days. It has since been exposed after the land was uplifted during Tertiary times and several thousand metres of rock were gradually eroded away, hardly a cataclysmic event as it never came anywhere near the surface here.
The Palaeocene age of the Cleveland Dyke was confirmed when a date of c.58 Ma was obtained by the K–Ar method (Evans et al., 1973) and by its magnetic properties (for example, Dagley, 1969). It is demonstrably post-Jurassic and the clear connection with the Mull Central Complex also supports a Palaeocene age. The Jurassic period ranged from 199.6 – 145.5Ma & was dominated by marine sediments & fossils in this area. Disregarding the above, the last of the dinosaurs died out at the end of the Cretaceous period some 65Ma ago and it is safe to assume that the dinosaurs had been long gone when this event happened, not that they would have been any the wiser as they were probably too busy dodging stray meteorites to notice!!!