Grosmont Ironworks

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In what it now a car park are the remains of Grosmont Ironworks built in 1862 and demolished in 1892. Despite now being a rural setting the immediate area contains numerous ironstone mines.

Grosmont Ironworks

The most promenant feature is a large brick structure which is believed to be part of the system which carried raw materials to the top of the three blast furnaces. Apologies for the dark photos but it was getting late and I only had a basic camera.

Grosmont Ironworks Grosmont Ironworks

Grosmont Ironworks Grosmont Ironworks

Closer to the railway station is the base of the third blast furnace, added in 1876
Grosmont Ironworks

3 thoughts on “Grosmont Ironworks

  1. Sorry, posted this on the wrong entry so here it is again

    If you go back through the trees at the end of the ‘top’ carpark where you took the pictures you will find an old tramway cutting that leads to the remnants of a bridge that crosses the Esk back to one of the ironstone mines, all the deck timbers are still intact.

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