Cliffe Ironstone Mine

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Cliffe was a small ironstone mine worked from 1866 to 1887. Virtually nothing remains on the site except depressions and discolorations in a field which mark the locations of the shafts.

Cliffe Ironstone Mine Cliffe Ironstone Mine

A railway siding which runs to the shafts and parallel to the current live railway can be identified.

Some remains of the base on which a Fowler traction engine was mounted exist, but I was unable to locate them in the long summer grass.

3 thoughts on “Cliffe Ironstone Mine

  1. When I was a young Sprog in the early 70s I used to walk round the cliffs with my Grandad and then back along cliff lane into brotton. There were more remains there then, some building outlines, more of the siding, old ironworl etc.
    My Grandad was a Blacksmith at Lumpsey and his dad and two older brothers used to work a 3 man ‘family’ team at Brotton Mine along Coach Road. When Brotton Mine closed my great Grandad ‘rescued’ the ledgers from the office showing the tonnage and pay of the different teams. We still have them somewhere.

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