Rosedale West Magnetic Quarry and Hollins Ironstone Mines

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This site started as a surface quarry then later an underground mine. It consists of two deposits of very high quality ironstone. Little remains except two large troughs where the stone has been removed. The northerly one at the base of the incline to the kilns at Rosedale Chimney is known as Kitchings Deposit

Rosedale Magnetic Mines - Kitchings

Slightly further south is Garbutts Deposit

Rosedale Magnetic Mines - Garbutts

The stone has such a high iron content (approaching 50%) that its actually magnetic, although nothing similar was ever found elsewhere

Ironstone from the Rosedale Magnetic Mines

Rosedale Abbey

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Founded in 1158, the only intact remains of the Cistercian Priory (rather than an abbey) is a staircase in the church yard.

Rosedale Abbey Rosedale Abbey

Although a look around the village suggests much of the stonework was probably reused

Rosedale Abbey

The motto above the church door is quite unusual, said to have been carved by a nun “Omnia Vanitas” (All is vanity)

Rosedale Abbey

Cargo Fleet Iron Company reappearence.

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These offices were built by the Cargo Fleet Iron Company in 1916, although later used as offices for British Steel and the local Council before becoming derelict.

The Cargo Fleet Iron Company became part of South Durham Steel and Iron Company which was in turn nationalised becoming part of British Steel.

 Cargo Fleet Iron Company

During the re-development of the building the original sign has been revealed, the building will soon house the Heritage Gallery at Cargo Fleet.