The message tree is a hawthorn. Before the park was create a Sailors Trod ran from Newport to North Ormesby.
Its said that sailors left messages for each other under a piece of ironstone in the tree, which is still there with the tree having grown around it.
I like the story, but having checked the first OS map of the area the only footpath seems to co-incide with the one currently running through the centre of the park with this location being in the middle of a field. Although there’s then a 30 year gap until the next OS maps when the park is fully layed out so its possible the footpath moved.
UPDATE 23/11/2011 :
Prompted by Mikes comments I overlayed the first OS map onto Google Earth by aligning points that still exist today, this shows the path running east-west exactly where Mike says south of the Longlands Club
This also puts the path further north in the park than I originally thought, but it still doesn’t run next to the tree.
I was told the sailors trod goes through the gap ( quite a big gap ! ) between Longlands club and the terrace of houses
I’ve overlayed the oldest OS map which shows the footpath onto Google Earth and thats absolutely right Mike.
It also shows the path was further North than I though and does put it back a lot nearer to the trees location, but still not right next to it.