Waterfall Bridge and Monument, Wilton Castle

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Despite a visit to the library I can find out nothing about this monument at the edge of the wood overlooking Wilton Castle, no plaque or inscriptions seems to be present.

Monument, Wilton Castle

Close by in heavy undergrowth is the remaining parapet of Waterfall Bridge, this looks like it was a feature of the formal gardens of the Wilton Castle and i’ve read it was still useable with care in the 1950s. A waterfall exists further up the gill, although obscured by trees now.

Waterfall Bridge, Wilton Woods Waterfall Bridge, Wilton Woods Waterfall Bridge, Wilton Woods

If anyone knows anything more about these two places, or knows of a photo of the bridge intact I would love to hear from you.

Wilton Castle is just below the location, in the shadow of the chemical works.

Wilton Castle Wilton Castle

Update 6/5/2011

Craig Hornby, director of “A Century In Stone” sent me the following info :-

I was told by Doug Kneeshaw a mine horse driver about 20 years ago that the bridge was wooden and very rickety! And the monument was to old man Lowther’s favourite donkey!!! (The Wilton castle being the family home of the Lowther family until ICI bought in the 1940s). There is a large gravestone to one of them in Wilton cemetary and it says Secretary of State for Ireland or something …how’s that! Doug Kneeshaw 1920-2000 and featured in ACIS. filmed 1989 with big hoss at California Stables where he lived back in the day as his dad was mine hosskeeper.

5 thoughts on “Waterfall Bridge and Monument, Wilton Castle

  1. This is very interesting and i have enjoyed reading it.
    Im Alan Willis and Live down the road in Skinningrove. I have my own paranormal team. We are actively looking for places of interest to investigate.
    Would it be possible for you to give me some advice on places to look at.
    If not thank you for reading this
    Alan Willis.

  2. Today 04 February 2022. The statue is still in the same position with no carved words to tell its history. It is located say 10 meters up from the horse field fence and path, and sideways in at the sand stone bend on the bottom of Wilton bank.
    The bridge, I remember late sixties, was not rickety. The stantions were made from sandstones and are still in good condition and situated west of the statue.In my time there was two metal beams supported by by the stanchions, unfortunately the cover was missing. Me and my rascals used to balance walk on the beams to cross the bridge! Do not tell my mam.
    What ran across the bridge I do not know, below it is a big chasme
    I know it was called waterfall bridge, but I do not know why?talk to me.
    Kids have made a camp near and in between bridge and statue

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