Chop Gate ROC Post – Open Day

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The Royal Observer Corps post at Chop Gate has recently been restored and a fantastic job has been made of it, its such a nice change to see a post in good condition rather than being stood in knee deep water with rotting artifacts floating around you.

On the surface the entrance was fitted with its Ground Zero Indicator (GZI) which is a pin-hole camera to record the position of any nuclear bomb bursts.

 Chop Gate ROC Bunker - Ground Zero Indicator  

The ventilation shaft is in great condition with a fresh coat of paint.

Chop Gate ROC Bunker  

The dome for the Fixed Survey Meter was also present, which has normally long since vanished.

Chop Gate ROC Bunker - Fixed Survey Meter Dome 

A great collection of the kit associated with the post was also on display, such as a set of maroon launchers used to warn the public of fallout.

 Chop Gate ROC Bunker - Maroons 

A hand cranked air-raid siren and generator to charge the posts batteries.

 Chop Gate ROC Bunker - Siren 

Then it was time to get underground !

 Chop Gate ROC Bunker Chop Gate ROC Bunker

Underground the post is in stunning condition.

Chop Gate ROC Bunker Chop Gate ROC Bunker

An early Teletalk and Warning receiver were present as well as their later BT replacements

Chop Gate ROC Bunker - WB400 and Teletalk Unit AD3460 Chop Gate ROC Bunker - Teletalk AD8010

The Bomb Power Indicator is suspended from the roof.

Chop Gate ROC Bunker - Bomb Power Indicator 

The probe for the Fixed Survey Meter which would be sent up a tube to the dome outside to monitor radiation.

Chop Gate ROC Bunker - Fixed Survey Meter 

With the old and new versions of the Fixed Survey Meter to actually monitor radiation.

Chop Gate ROC Bunker - Radiac Indicator Chop Gate ROC Bunker - PDRM82

It was also very nice to see some of the more ephemeral items such as METAR weather report forms, Triangulation calculators and post maps.

Chop Gate ROC Bunker - Metar Report Chop Gate ROC Bunker

Chop Gate ROC Bunker 

And finally of course the post important piece of equipment in the whole place, the toilet.

Chop Gate ROC Bunker - Toilet 

I can’t compliment this place enough, its great that we now have a local restored post, further information on the restoration and details of future open days can be found on the Attack Warning Red site. Huge amounts of information about the ROC can also be found on numerous sites 1 2 3

NOTE : None of the items in these photographs are stored in the post, it is completely stipped when there’s not an open day in progress.


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