Normanby Hall

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Normanby Hall was constructed around 1820 although the listed building register says it wasn’t completed until 1858.
Normanby Hall
The design is by Ignatius Bonomi who became known as the “the first railway architect” for his work on the Skerne Bridge in Darlington
Normanby Hall
The inscription on the side of the building reads “WWJ 1820” which seems likely to refer to William Ward Jackson
Normanby Hall
The building is in a poor state having closed down from being a nursing home in recent years.
 Normanby Hall
This was the western part of the estate of Sir William Pennyman, 4th Baronet which was split between his daughters and the brothers they married. This half originally belonging to Joanna wife of Captain Matthew Consett at the beginning of the eighteenth century

42 thoughts on “Normanby Hall

  1. I used to work here in the mid 1990’s when it was a nursing home, I can still remember the old bell’s used to summon the servants all original, complete with plates indicating were the master was eg Billiards room, Masters bedroom ect. Shame to see it in such a state of disrepair

  2. This was the home of Charles (Charlie) Amer before it was sold to become a nursing home.
    Mr Amer being the chairman of Middlesbrough fc as late as 1980’s. If I remember rightly he lived in the main house and then moved to the stable block (converted) when the house became too big for his needs.
    The nursing home when closed meant the building was left empty. A property developer then proposed to convert the building into high end apartments with a number of detached houses being built in the grounds. Planning permission was sought and I remember planning notices being attached to lamp posts in the cricket lane area which there was major objection too. It still stands today who owns it who knows, probably just waiting for a second attempt to develop.

  3. I worked for a short stint at Normanby Hall in the early 1990s – the main house was beautiful but the annexe building was featureless. I too remember the original servant bells and was blew over by them. The house had some magnificent original features and had a warm, cosy feel to it. A few months ago this house just crept into my head when I was driving towards Normanby so I googled to see what was happening with it – this just kick started my fascination with it . I eventually had a walk up there and, although the house still has a grand stance, it is dilapidated, unloved and forgotten. I would just love to see the inside and I’ve tried and tried to find some pictures on internet with no luck. Hope someone rescues this house; if I had the money, I certainly would!

    • I worked there from 1987 to 96 brilliant place when I started but once Ann Jackson stopped smoking she became a right bad tempered sod some lovely nurses I worked with probably some of the best I’ve ever worked with it’s so sad how people can ruin such a beautiful place I remember one of the staff members having her photos taken on the grand stairs, had some laughs there messing about in the cellar the water and talc fights and putting on shows for the residents I do miss those days 😞

  4. I grew up in Normanby and often went to the summer fetes held in the grounds as a child. My Grandad lived in it in 1989 when it was,a nursing home and I visited him most days…it was a beautiful house with a very impressive staircase. My Grandad would sit at the top of the staircase waiting for my arrival.
    My Grandad moved to another nursing home in 1990. I live local to Normanby hall and can’t understand why it’s been left to fall into such a state it’s very sad. The bungalow at the side of the hall is in the same state.

  5. Hya av been up today too have a walk round i over heard convatations about the house still has the old merc in the garage and clothes in the wardrobes and one off the lads has took the jewelry box they sed theres a 40,000 pound safe in there

      • Load of rubbish, no reason to be haunted and does anyone believa in that any more. We lived in Teesville years ago55 ro be exact and normanby Hall was well known to us

    • I knew the Amer family as a boy and attended Nunthorpe Preparatory School with my then friend Kevan Amer. I lived nearby and Mrs Amer (Olive) would take us to school in her Jaguar. She was a very kind lady. I visited the Amers frequently in the then beautiful old Normanby Hall which had been uninhabited and used for furniture storage until Mr. (Charles) Amer bought it and restored it. It had many original Georgian features. Mr Amer was away a lot and Mrs Amer and her two boys lived together in “The Hall” with their golden retriever “Prince” on guard! Mrs Amer told me how one evening they saw the sitting room door handle turn..spooky! and she opened the door to see the empty passageway…no one there !!!! I used to visualize The Hall as “Tara” from Gone with the Wind. Kevan and I and other kids used to play in the dark cellars and the grounds. Mr Amer had a beautiful old Railton limousine in one of the out houses which Mr Amer restored….wow! what a motor car! Wonder what happened to it?

      Happy days…
      My family emigrated to Adelaide South Australia in 1966 where I still live.

      • I wrote the above and can add that my friend Kevan Amer had a horse/pony called “Sportsman” which was a bit skittish Kevan and I would ride on him together And hang on like hell! Mr Amer also kept pigs with a chap who looked after them. I was told he tried to separate two fighting boars and one turned on him and bit his kneecap off!! That is what I was told at the time. The Amers owned the Coatham Hotel at Redcar with a popular ballroom. Mr Amer also once led a dance band and broadcast on the BBC . He was a very good business man who was nice to me as a kid! I heard he lived to be a 100! I lost contact with Kevan over the years and was dad to learn he passed away some years ago. We had lots of fun as boys and mischievous Kevan would start up the Railton when dad was away and we would drive it around the grounds!
        All this was a long time ago and only memories now. I bet times have really changed today and I have only returned once visit Normanby and Eston where I was born. No one there for me anymore and my sister Gwen passed away a couple of years ago. Dear Gwen.

    • Yes it is I worked there for just under 10yr there was unexplained noises and whilst I was there one night I was talking to a lady in the sun room also the residents in room 3 of the annexe complained of children messing about asking if we could chase them

  6. Anyone know any further info on the place? I walked round there with a friend not long ago and found an eviction letter dated 7th August 2014, stating that Philip and Kevan AMER were to leave the place next door (The Coach House) by 11:30 am on the 3rd of September. However I believe that the Coach House has also been abandoned for a long time, and it is beyond me how the letter even made its way to the house due to the lack of postbox/letterbox in sight. Any extra info would be great though, plus interior pictures new or old, I am very intrigued by the place and it’s surroundings

  7. We recently moved into normanby hall park and were told that it does have planning permission for 35 houses on the ground only if the main house is renovated to its original condition and I guess that would take millions ! So maybe that’s why no one will buy the land ??

  8. Me and my mate managed to get inside and got asked to leave by two gypsy men with a metal bat in their hands saying they are looking after it aparently

  9. just been looking at the coach house which is for sale on rightmove , I used to repair the washing machine here around 15 years ago , it was lovely back then , the egrounds were also very nice , I would love to have a wonder over the land with my metal detector before it’s built on and lost forever .
    Does anybody know who I could contact to try and gain permission ,I would even pay .

  10. Oddly Ralph Jackson is my dad’s name although I’ve never come across anybody else with his name in our family tree. I better keep looking.

    • Ralph Jackson is in my grandads side his biological father was a sweeting, Ralphs daughter is my grandads 2nd -3rd great grandmother.

  11. As a child in the 50’s I played here. My friend Peter Francis is a cousin of Charley Amer’s son. My memory is that the son had a racing car. Not a pedal car but a petrol driven one!

  12. My father William Amer was Charlie Amer of Normanby Hall’s cousin.
    I visited Normanby Hall as a 16 year old in the mid 70s with my father and younger brother and was welcomed most warmly by Olive, Charlie Amer’s wife.
    The Hall was very warm, comfortable and very impressive. It had the most beautiful architectural features.

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