This unusual ‘coffee pot’ locomotive built by Head Wrightson of Thornaby dates from 1870
The loco spent most of its working life at Seaham Harbour where it was designated “16”
Coffee Pot No.33 from 1873 was also used at Seaham (where it was designated “17”) this locomotive can now be seen at Beamish
Also at Beamish is the more recently restored Coffee Pot No.1
Update : As of August 2012 the loco has been removed from the roundabout and relocated to Preston Park Museum. I will try to get some photos after they’ve given it a lick of paint perhaps ?
Not that unusual, there were thousands of them on the go at one time. SOme were still in use up into the 60s at small industrial outfits and quarries etc.
No. 21 was hidden away at Preston Hall Museum for years, before getting a new coat of paint and being installed on that roundabout in Stockton.
Skinningrove works had a vertical boilered loco into the ’50s.
Got a photo ?
I have the Skinningrove Engines book, I don’t remember seeing it in there. I will sort it out and have a look.
I will aks my dad as well, He was an Apprentice at Skinningrove in the 50s, he worked on the Locos before he went into the Navy
I’ve found a photo of the Skinningrove Loco here :-
Link Broken
Try this one
The caption to that pic says he hasn’t seen a picture of the vertical boiler before. I am sure (now that I come to think of it that there is a picture of one being lowered down the incline to the jetty or at the top of the incline anyway.
I will check tonight at the Model Club, we have masses of SKinningrove info at the moment as we are well into our research for the model of the valley Loftus Mine with the railway Switchback.
There were two at Skinningrove, both in the book – a Head Wrightson one as just about visible in the link and a later one by Cochranes.