Thorpe Thewles – Roger De Fulthorpe Grave Cover

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This is one part of Teesside that’s remaining hidden at the moment, the grave cover is currently covered for its own protection.
Thorpe Thewles -  Roger De Fulthorpe Grave Cover
The stone was originally in St. Thomas a Becket’s church in Grindon
Thorpe Thewles -  Roger De Fulthorpe Gravecover

This photo from the Thorpe Thewles History Group shows a comparision betwen 1940 and 2007 and the rapid deterioration of the inscription.

The group are hoping to start a conservation project this year, so hopefully it will soon be on view again.

2 thoughts on “Thorpe Thewles – Roger De Fulthorpe Grave Cover

  1. We really need your support to help us to meet church requirements to survey and if possible move this ancient stone indoors so that it is permanently protected from the elements and so would appreciate comments eiither on this website or on Thorpe Thewles History Group website!
    Sarah Hillier
    Secretary Thorpe Thewles History Group

  2. We all have a duty of care over our history. Once people get involved it opens up new areas of thought and of interest to everyone. A great outcome.

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