Minature Railway, Eston Recreation Ground

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This curious metal frame was actually part of a miniature railway that ran in the park.
Minature Railway, Eston
The track was raised up on concrete blocks, to allow your legs to dangle over the side, many of these are still in place.
Minature Railway, EstonMinature Railway, Eston
I don’t know the closure date of this, but I’ve only been able to find a single photo of it in action in the 60s on the Communigate website, but there must be other family snaps out there somewhere.

This photo clearly shows the remaining frame which must have served to winch the train off the tracks and into the storage hut, its a real shame interesting things like this have been lost.
Minature Railway, Eston

13 thoughts on “Minature Railway, Eston Recreation Ground

  1. There used to be one in Albert Park as well. I remember it from the 70s. Don’t know if that one is still there, I haven’t been in since then.

    • Mini railway in albert park was were one of the playgrounds are now, I belive it was closed because of vandalism, some of the surviving members of the group that ran it eventually went on to set up the Teesside Small Gauge Railway at Preston Park

  2. Regarding the minature railway at Eston `Rec` It was my Dad (now no longer with us) who made all the concrete posts that make up the railway tracks. He made them whilst working for the local council

  3. Im to young to remember it but I remember the bowling green that was there which is now demolished. They have made a bmx dirt track near the crazy golf part. you can still see the entrance to the bowling green on the trunk road opposite the new tesco

  4. I remember the tennis courts, crazy golf, bowling green. My dad said behind there used to be a castle like structure where you could walk through. Any pictures?

  5. I thought ‘protecting our Park in some way! So in 2015 on Facebook – ‘friends of Eston Rec’ with dear friend ‘Paul Burnett ‘whose Dad worked for Eston Urban District Council, more importantly he ‘built the miniature Railway track, posts, and the wallanhilleth surrounding the ‘flower gardens’ that was. Which you can still see surrounding part of our ‘crazy golf course’ 2016 ‘volunteers brought it back to life, after a young person walking through the long grass, weeds, rubble etc with myself, kicked part of the old concrete’ lanes ☆

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