‘Train’ by David Mach was unveiled by Lord Palumbo of Walbrook on 23rd June 1997
The sculpture is 23ft high by 130ft long and consists of 185,000 bricks, it represent an A4 class loco such as the Mallard
Brick Train, Darlington

‘Train’ by David Mach was unveiled by Lord Palumbo of Walbrook on 23rd June 1997
The sculpture is 23ft high by 130ft long and consists of 185,000 bricks, it represent an A4 class loco such as the Mallard
At the time this was built it cost more than the estimated cost of ‘Tornado’ which is an actual locomotive that works and has simmilar inerds to the one illustrated by the pile of bricks!
Being in the construction industry i think this is increddible.Well done to the brickies and the companies who sponsered it.Myself and my wife must visit it this year.WELL DONE and shows we have some very good craftsmen in our country.