Joseph Pease Statue, Darlington

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Joseph Pease (22 June 1799 – 8 February 1872) was heavily involved in the Stockton and Darlington Railway and local collieries, he was also the first Quaker MP in Britain in 1832
Joseph Pease Statue, Darlington
This statue was originally unveiled in 28 September 1875 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Stockton and Darlington Railway, the sculptor was George Anderson Lawson and the foundry Cox and Sons.

The reliefs around the base of the represent key themes in Pease’s life.
Joseph Pease Statue, Darlington
Politics, this panel shows Pease with Lords John Russell and Palmerston on his entry into Parliament.
Joseph Pease Statue, Darlington
Abolition of slavery
Joseph Pease Statue, Darlington
Industry, a locomotive and colliery are shown
Joseph Pease Statue, Darlington

In 1958 the statue was relocated as part of a development, then in 2007 the statue was restored and returned to its original location.

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