Sir William Gray Statue, Hartlepool

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Sir William Gray was the first Mayor of West Hartlepool from 1887 to 1888 and founder of the shipbuilders William Gray and Company Sir William Gray, Hartlepool
This status was unveiled on 26th March 1898 by Alderman Clarkson (or rather the wind which blew off the covers before he had chance), the sculptor was William Day Keyworth Jr with the foundry being Rovini and Partanti

Greatham Salt Works (Cerebos) , Greatham

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The site known as Greatham Saltworks was founded in the late 1800s before becoming Cerebos around the turn of the century. In 1968 Cerebos became part of Ranks Hovis McDougall and products such as Bisto Gravy and Atora Suet were manufactured.
Cerebos Greatham
From 1997 to closure in 2002 some Sharwoods products were made here, on the day I visited it was in the final stages of demolition.
Cerebos Greatham
The internals of site were photographed extensively on urbex sites such as 28 Days Later