A local group have spent a lot of time this year clearing the undergrowth and rubbish from the hauler bases at New Bank, so you can now get a good view of them for the first time in years.
This base of a brick building is from the later electric hauler which pulled wagons to and from Wilton Lane to the east, parts of it were still standing in the 1970s but it was demolished rather than conserved.
Many Bolckow & Vaughan bricks can be seen in its foundations.
Immediately adjacent are the more substantial sandstone remains of the older steam hauler where the various bolts and pits that held the engine and winding drums can be identified.
Hauler Bases, Eston Ironstone Mine

Interesting site – well done to those who undertook the clearance works!
great pics, been wanting to go up and have a look for a while. any details on the group who did the clearance work?
Not surprisingly Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan made their own bricks at their own collieries and marked each brick accordingly.
B V L made at Leasingthorne Colliery.
B V N made at Newfield.
B V B G made at Byers Green; all County Durham.
Just been up for a look around. Much easier to see what’s what now. Noticed that some of the bricks on the hauler house are stamped W&A (at the rear right corner if you’re stood looking at it from the path). Done a quick google but can’t find any W&A brickworks around here, only in the US.
love these pics and the history behind them as ive messed about on these ruins so many times great work ,,,.,,.,.