Skelton Mill

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A corn mill has been recorded in Skelton since as early as 1272 although these buildings probably date from the 19th century. Only the building without the roof was actually the mill
Skelton Mill
Skelton Mill
The mill was still being used to generate electricity rather than mill corn when it was hit by a Germany bomb on 15th or 16th April 1942 (sources vary)

The remains were reduced in 1965 to allow for the widening of the road as it now goes right through the location of the mill.

The two historical images above come from Bill Danbys excellent Skelton History pages.

16 thoughts on “Skelton Mill

  1. I don’t suppose you found out if anyone died in the bombing? I’ve heard a few stories about ghostly goings on in that building. One of the ones I heard was that the “fake” windows were put up as people kept knocking on the door to alert the residents that someone was banging and screaming out of one of the windows in the ruined bit. Spooooooky! 🙂

    • I’ve not heard anything, with it being an industrial building you wouldn’t imagine anyone should have been in there at night, but I don’t know for sure.

    • I was always told over 30 years ago that a little girl died and burned to death but kept looking out the window scaring the traffic going by I’ve always been fascinated with the house but I never believed that a bomb dropped till now.

      • I think spooky stories tend to get passed down the generations and the fact often get lost. I’ve lost count of the number of ghosts and secret tunnels i’ve been told about (none of which i’ve yet seen)

  2. For a time the neighbouring house was in the ownership of the late Mike McCullogh, of MMC engineering and better known for a time as the Chairman of Middlesbrough FC (he finally ousted – after a long struggle – Charlie Amer in the early 1980’s) He lived in a Dallas style mansion at the east end of Upleatham.and I think the adjoining mill house was occupied by his eldest son and family

  3. I’m sure I’ve seen a planning application to remove the gable end due to it being unstable. Also the out buildings were recorded in a pdf.

  4. Looks to be a thorough piece of work by Steve. The recording and need for an archaeological presence during the works are both obvious and helpful. My only caveat would be that if any fixtures of interest appear such as plaques – already mentioned – or other fittings emerge, then they should be rescued.This could be an additional planning condition. I will see if it can be accepted.

  5. hi everyone me and my wife gilly have spent best part of this year restoring the mill and farmhouse with the help of wharton estate lads and mr williams we finally moved in the farmhouse on the 2nd August 2013 we are now painstakingly restoring all the out buildings. will keep you all updated as we progress regards dave & gilly

    • Hi I went out with a girl that lived there back in the early 90s great building with intresting out building it was still a working farm back then

  6. As a child in the 1950s I recall seeing the remaining gearing and wheels protruding from the wreckage of the building as we regularly drove up to my gran’s in Loftus. I remember being told about the bomb but in my young mind the story got a bit confused and for quite some time I believed that the visible bits of the machinery were actually the remains of the bomb!

    • Dave Dunn: my hubby and I are visiting the tea rooms for the first time. I’d love to see the smaller buildings used by craftspeople and to visit at Christmas.

  7. My nana lived in this house since the 70s up and till the early 2010s due to it being to big and being on her own… my dad grew up there and I spent almost every weekend there and the parties we had were magnificent and yes it was very haunted but I loved it and I was so upset when she had to leave… we used to do ghost hunts but I was very young and jumped in bed with my mam after getting scared

    Iv never heard of any of these stories and would love to hear more haha … it was probs my nana shouting out the window telling me and my cousins to behave fighting or something hahah

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