Cromwell Road Primary School, South Bank

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Nothing now remains of the school apart from the entrance doorway for girls.
Cromwell Road School, South Bank
I’m not sure on the exact demolition date but the school celebrated it’s 100th year in 2004 and was due to be merged with Beech Grove Primary at the end of 2005.

There were large scale demolitions of the surrounding streets around 2006/2007

125 thoughts on “Cromwell Road Primary School, South Bank

  1. I went to this school 20 year a go and I was born and bread in south bank meet some very good friends at this school I am a Stockton lad now but it is still in my blood it will be missed very much

      • I went to this school 1950 – 1956. Have some happy memories in the infants. Miss Armstrong was lovely. So was Miss Baxter. Miss Unthank and Miss Suffle not so nice. Mr. Maughn was the head master. Miss Gittus taught singing and choir and took us to sing in competition around Yorkshire. Fun times on the chartered buses.
        The school dinners were fantastic. Christmas pantomimes were magical. Shame they pulled it down .Does not make sense destroying a find brick building. Would have made a good community center.

        • Hi Muriel. I went to Brownies/Guides at Cromwell rd school back in 1968, and both my sons went there too. We lived in Oliver street from 1981 – 1994. I also knew Miss Gittus as my mam worked as a cleaner for her. I know she went on to teach at the Grammar school which later was called Gillbrook. It was a lovely old building the only bad thing I remember about it was the awful smell, which came from the coke oven that heated the school, so I was told!

          • was your Father Alan Hopwood, born about 1943? If so, I was in his class at Cromwell Road. Funnily enough last night I was dreaming about my time at this school. If not, ignore this!

    • I found out recently that my dad, born in South Bank if 1915, went to this school. It must have been in the early 1920s. I wonder if any photos still exist of the school/classes in those days.

    • I went to this school with my sister and brother from around 1981, we then went to Sarah Meltcalf’s. We had been in Germany for a few years and being as we were classed as being a little behind we all went into Mr Rattigans class. He was simply the best teacher, a very kind, thoughtful and caring man . I wonder if anyone else remembers him? We lived at 49 Warwick road which is also now flattened

    • Hello Terrance. I just saw your email. I remember your name. What teachers did you have ? Muriel Redd nee Jenkins.

    • I was at this school 1957 to 1963 so sad to read it’s gone. I remember the prefab classrooms in the playground and the lovely wood floor in the assembly hall. Mr Rabie, Mrs Armstrong, Mrs Suffel

  2. Attended this school in late 60’s, moved on to Sarah Mecalf Secondry Modern for one year then moved to Cardiff.
    Lots of good memories and lots of good mates, Peter Searl, Kieth Ruddock, Micky Thomas ( Ausie ) John Blackett Tony Mallet, Malcolm Bray just to mention a few. I also remember Amanda Rolf and Angela Brereton. Teachers; Mr Blake, Mrs Skipper, Mrs Cornforth and headmaster Mr Rabey.
    Met up with Kieth many many years sgo for a pint and also met up with Peter.
    Always wonder what there doing now ?????

    • Hi Trevor, just spotted you note, you missed me from your list of Pete, Keith and John. I’m now in Australia. Rob Main

      • Hello, I think Rob you may have lived next door to us in Redcar Road? Your sister Margaret and older brother Alfred? As with all old friends and families, I wonder where you are and how you all are. Would love to hear from you ….

      • Hi Rob. Wasn’t your dad’s name Alfred (Alfie) and didn’t he race pigeons? I use to see him most weeks during the pigeon season when he brought his birds to the Station Hotel.
        Think you also lived across the road from McCleans barbers, their son Ian also going to Cromwell road.
        Hope you’re keeping well.

  3. Lived in Cod St..Peel St and Pym St and left there just after I took my 11 plus(failed second half).Went to Huddersfield and now living in Sydney 33 years.HeadMaster then was Mr Maugn and Mr Raby used to do the hand ball on a Friday afternoon after school…but even though I turned up every week he never picked me!Remember Mrs Skipper and Mr Blake who used to spend half the sports lesson writing football tactics on the black board when all we wanted to do was play the game.Remember Hazel Rowdon in my class and Wayne Brown and Stephen Chinek ..and Susan…?whose father ran the local milk delivery business…Fantastic grounding for my life..will never forget and anyone who remembers me (or thinks they do)can email
    as I do need to visit here again (maybe)this year!
    Take Care
    Jed Robinson

    • I was in your class Ged remember all the people you have mentioned Susan SMITH was the girl whos father ran the milk business glad to hear you are doing well in aussie ……….. my name by the way is Brian Cassidy hope you remember take care

  4. Went here in the late 70’s I won the competition to design the new school badge … Remember vicky Bruce john hazelhurst and swimming at Eston baths … And Carlton camp …

  5. I attended this school In 1966 – 1970 then we migrated to Australia . What a culture shock it was back then . I remember a boy at school gave me a box of Maltesers and I was too shy to thank him . Thank you Steven banks x

  6. I attended this school from 1950 to 1956. then went on to Eston County modern in Normanby. My name was Muriel Jenkins. Mr. Phillips was the headmaster then Mr. Maughn. I had Miss Fairbanks in infants. then Miss Suffle, Mrs Davies, Miss Uthank and Miss Baxter. Was in the school choir with Miss Gittus. We had a wonderful bus trip to York – stopping along the moors and villages on the way.
    Sad to see only the girls gate left of what was once a fine school.

  7. HILARY MORTEN .My mam and dad were students there I was there in 1960 till 63 we migrated to Australian I have fond memories, teachers I remember , mrs Armstrong and miss Bell

    • Yes I remember Mrs. Armstrong. She taught with kindness. Quite a change from a lot of the teachers in those days.

      • Hi Muriel, I can only remember Mrs Armstrong as being scary and a bully. I can vividly remember her thumping me in the back because I’d accidentally snapped my pencil. She must have liked you 🤗 I was there 1956/57 – 1964 then went on to Eston Grammar

        • Well Maureen. I can only think that I may have worn her out with my bad math ability and desperate attempts to do mental arithmetic. By the time she got through with me she could have been ready for a break from teaching. It`s hard to imagine teachers being allowed to thump us in the back. But they did. One science teacher slapped my face for asking a question. That is the way it was.

        • Hi I was born Peel Street, lived in Cod street and attended Cromwell school 1963-65 then moved to Grangetown. I remember Mrs Highland and Mrs Armstrong who scared the living daylights out of me. I used to cry as soon as I saw her. One morning she asked why I was crying and the only thing I could think to say was I don’t like beetroot for dinner. Mrs Armstrong told my mum over my head that she didn’t like beetroot either so I could sit next to her at lunch!! One of the biggest lesson learned…. don’t tell lies
          Eileen Graham

          • Hi I still have a school photograph taken in the yard if cromwell road outside the pre fabricated buildings. It was mrs Suffells class and she was very handy with 2 x12″ rulers to rap the kids knuckles (back of the hand) and Mrs Armstrong also gave me a clip round the ear for spelling the word school as school, I never made that mistake again. It was accepted in those days that punishment was handed out that way. I think I was there until 1963 and then we moved to Eaglescliffe and I went to senior school there.
            I visited south Bank once after I got married and went to the school which looked pretty much the same then I read later it had been demolished. Sad……

  8. There must be more memories and people out there? You can’t believe so much history has been torn down – really sad – my regret is I never went back to see the teachers after I left – anyone remember Irish Mr Rattigan?

      • Hi Melanie, sorry for the late reply. He was an inspirational teacher and a comedian. Loved his class. I went to Stapylton secondary after that around 1979. I’m trying to think of the head teacher of the time. A very quiet man, but always joined in the football and sometimes would play in the yard with us after school. Just wouldn’t happen nowadays. I’m in Hartlepool now.

    • I also went to the same school during 1970s, I remember Mr rattigan, loved Carlton, remember friends Chris Johnston, Charlie duffield , born on South terrace, fond memories by Rob marram

    • I’ve just added a message on another thread about Mr Rattigan! He was just the best teacher ever!!! He welcomed myself, my sister and brother into the school and was so caring ????

  9. Went to this school from 1980 – 1986 and left due to us moving to London made some lovely friends Anne Marie Goldsborough who’s dad had the corner shop on Cromwell road and Andrea Wyman.. loved the teachers too Miss Morris Mrs Wickes Mrs Livingstone Mrs Willis Mr Metcalf Mr Rattigan Mr Barron (the scary one 😒)

    • I was there the last 2 years of my juniors as moved to south bank from Kingsley road in grangetown …. left Cromwell road and onto “ GILLY “ in the September of 1982 … remember mr Barton alright !!
      I remember we all had to sit down outside on the wet floor for some reason and I got the slipper for not doing as I was told ….. kids these days are well spoilt …. we had respect in “ Grange Hill years “ … happy days 😀

    • Hi I was there same time. R u the shajna I know who had a brother called azad. Think ur dads name was shohid. Cos we moved to london too. Feel like we caught up yrs ago in london.

  10. Went to this school late 80s early 90s lived on 25 cromwell road. Had many of years at that school shame its gone any school friends id love to hear from add on Facebook if you rember me

  11. I was at the school 1956 to 1963. I have some fond memories and some not. I remember Miss Leek and Mr Maughan who were the primary and junior head teachers. Does anyone remember Mrs Knight with her white hair.

    In the junior school I remember Mrs Linney, Mrs Suffle (who couldn’t, such a horrible woman) and Miss Unthank. Those were the days when we had pencil and milk monitors …much responsibility. I also remember the outside toilets with all those spiders and daddy long legs and the playground where we used to do french skipping, handstands and play kingy.

    Does anyone remember the Christmas show when we had real candles on the tree and a fire as a result.

    If anyone would like to get in touch please add me to your facebook.

  12. My mother was Mrs Armstrong! She taught in the infants at this school until her retirement. She also taught all her own children myself included. I remember having to call her Mrs Armstrong. Sad to note the school has gone

    • Hello Suzanne. Your Mum was my infant teacher. I adored her. I can still see her in my mind. She touched the lives of many children in her life. I cannot recall her exactly teaching us, but I remember the feeling of warmth and safety in the classroom. I never forgot her and I am delighted to be able to share my feelings with you.

      Muriel Redd ( nee Jenkins )

  13. i attended from 1948 to 1953, remember my time there with great fondness. Mrs Armstrong was my first teacher, a lovely caring woman. Also \miss Baxter who was my inspiration, NEVER forget her!!
    ANYONE FROM MY CLASS REMEMBER ME – Stanley Buxton, the Elderfield twins, Sandra McLean (I had a fight with her) friends afterwards though. Margaret Tye (my cousin) Audrey Watkins and many more – it has always been a warm memory my time there, shame to see the remaining gateway – all that is left. I still visit South Bank every few years, my roots, I am now 75, live in Neasham, outside Darlington but am proud to say I came from South Bank………. I am Judith Morgan, nee Tye.

    • Hi. My friend Dennis Reed married Your cousin Margaret Tye. I went to Eston Grammar school. I’m researching the Buxton family working back from Stanley. My mother’s maiden name was Buxton. Can you add anything. Is Stanley still in Middlesbrough.

      Roger Brace.

  14. The Buxton`s lived in Queen street. We lived next door to Tommy at No 94. I think Stanley was a few doors down. Used to borrow comics from him. Miss Baxter was an amazing teacher. Strict, but kind as well. I am 73 and live in Seattle in the U.S.

    • Hi Looks like im one of the oldest posting on here, My name is Leslie Charles Joy, I lived at 25, Victoria Street, Born there 14.Dec, 1939 and went to Cromwell rd school had some great times, I remember all the street parties and definitely all the bombs dropping continually day and night, My uncle Charlie had the fresh fish and green groceries on the corner of Victoria St and Cromwell Rd also the fish and chip and coal yard on Victoria St, I also remember Paul Daniels we were good friends in them days , all my relatives lived In Grangetown and Red car, I hope there are still some still my age alive in That area, I now live in Blackpool, they were great times. Regards Led.

      • Hi Leslie, I remember going to Cromwell Road school around 1954 with my younger brother (Bryan and Trevor Harris). We then lived at 129 Queen Street. Mothers maiden name was Jones.
        Immigrated to New Zealand in 1955.
        Still have relatives in the area (what is left that is) but have no way of contact as can’t remember their name.

  15. Omg miss glasby yes I remember you I was in your class Elizabeth honeyman, how are You??? Remember the class hamster HAMMY??? I’ve been searching for Mr Butterworth for years I hope your ok xxx

  16. Omg miss glasby how are u??? I was in your class Elizabeth honeyman lowther, awww I used to love your personality, remember the class hamster HAMMY? And school competitions for asda with our home made cards, I’ve looked for you and Mr Butterworth loads over the years, how are you xxx

    • I went to this school from 1972-1977 . I remember Mr harker, Me Baron, Mrs Peace, Mrs Thompson/Thomas? Mrs Etherington . My name is Shameem Akhtar lived in Aire street then Ann Street. Loved this school and had fond memories. Made good friends, Kay phillipson/Phillips? Jane Finnegan? Anybody remember me? X

  17. Elizabeth Honeyman: Yes, I absolutely remember you. How could I ever forget? I remember that you were in my very first class, all those years ago! It was a mixed Year 5/6 class.

    I am very well thank you, still teaching, somehow! I moved to the south of England in 1991, to get married. I now have three children, one of whom is about to qualify as a teacher this year! Where have all the years gone?

    You must be about 39 – 41 now. How has life treated you so far?

    I was thrilled to read your kind comments. It was a tough first year of teaching, with me only 12 years older than some of the class, but it was an incredible learning journey and I have very fond memories of that time. I am glad to hear that you do too.

    I last heard from Mr Butterworth years and years ago. He is married and has two children, or possibly more than that by now. I am still in touch with Mrs Willis.

    Ah, Hammy, bless him!

    Happy days!

      • Miss glasby 🌈🤗 wow 3 kids, I can still see your huge contagious smile, how are u holding up in this pandemic? I’m really well I’m only say 10 mile from the old Cromwell road scholl, I often have a drive up, so sad it’s been demolished, so so nice hearing from you, pls stsy safe and lots of love xxx

        • Omg Elizabeth honeyman you were in my class. Its kerry Wheater. Miss glasby was it friends reunited I use to speak to you on? Glad your all ok. X

  18. Leslie. You are six years older than me. Started Cromwell road in 1950. So Mr. Phillips would be the headmaster when we were there. I remember the street parties also. Our Mam`s bringing out the tables and chairs from their houses. Everyone baking. Teapots everywhere. The windows all decorated with red white and blue. A prize for the best windows. Another world. I remember the fish and chip shop on Victoria street. Were you `Winnie`s` fish shop or the one across the street ? My Mam used to work for Mrs Prince`s shop on the corner of Queen street. Do you remember the cobbler shop on Anne street ? Such a nice man. Good memories.

    • I went to Cromwell Road nursery class in 1955. I remember the cobblers shop on Ann’s street very well. They demolished their original building and built a new one. The site of the old one had concrete slabs put on top of it which I used as my personal roller skating rink. My metal skate wheels against the concrete must have made a horrible noise but they never complained . Many thanks for a resurgence of memories.

  19. I attended Cromwell Road School between 1933 and 1940. The head teacher then was Mr. Barnett who, I believe, was killed in a hit-and-run air raid on Redcar in 1941 or 1942 , not long after he had retired. The only other male teacher I can recall was Mr. Boland by whom I was never taught but I was taught by Miss Little, Miss Bartram, Miss Unthank and Miss Baxter to each of whom I owe a big debt of gratitude for giving me such a good grounding for life. Cromwell Road was a happy school during my time there.
    It is strange how small things stick in the memory. In these days when smartphones seem to dominate everywhere I can remember being called into Mr. Barnett’s room in a small group to learn how to make an emergency phone call using his telephone which was an old-fashioned two- piece upright type with the earpiece hanging from a small arm on it. The phone was disconnected from the telephone exchange whilst we practised and we were also told how to operate buttons A and B in a public call box. Only one member of my class had a phone at home. Times change!

    I was recently able to make a quick visit to South Bank and viewed the sites of the old school and of my former homes in Upper Jackson Street and Aire Street.

    My best wishes to all “Cromwellians” wherever you may be.

  20. John. So nice to read your memories of our school. I often think about my time there. My sister Ann Jenkins also attended during the war years – and I am wondering if that is why they taught the pupils about using the telephone. As most of us did not have a telephone – a call could be made from the school during an emergency. If the teachers were injured during an air raid, a child could step in. I was taught by Miss Baxter and Miss Unthank. Mr. Phillips was my first headmaster. My sister Ann Jenkins also attended there during the war years. I remember all the streets and shops. Particularly Ann street and the cobbler on the corner. We lived on Queen street opposite Mrs. Prince`s shop. Hope your visit was not too sad seeing most of our homes gone. What possessed the council to destroy well built houses and our school is beyond me. Definitely the end of a community.
    Best wishes to you.
    Muriel Jenkins Redd

    • My name is Peter Evans,I lived at 76 Cromwell Road,and attended the school from 1940-1946,my younger brother Harry also went there.I remember a lot of the teachers you mention, have fond memories.
      I now live in Australia,have been here for 50 years, but still miss the old country.
      Peter Evans

  21. I attend here in the 90s.was a good school.anyone remember the teachers there at the time.think I remember Mr Alan.

  22. I lived in Cod Street think was no 16, Nee Lynn Chapman. Went to Cromwell st school last year of juniors then over to Victoria st until last year of seniors 1962. Then back to Liverpool. Marilyn Cox, Marilyn Cotty, Valerie New and Valerie Newton are the names I remember most at school. Brother at school 4 years younger Roy Chapman. Anybody know of those people

  23. Hi my parents had the Victoria Pub when I went to school there. So it would be early 80’s. We also had the Conservative Club for a while and I remember our dance classes at the weekend with Trevor and Sylvia. Anyone remember me. I was Melanie Foster then.

      • I remember the Cons and the Vic. That’s were I learnt to play pool when they’d let me go in at the age of 13 when kids couldn’t go in pubs and they they let me have shandy bass lol. All gone, so sad. My dad said it was the labour council that ruined Southbank but I wouldn’t know. They pulled down Nelson street where he lived which was the old~old part of Southbank. Shame it’s just remembered for the wrong reason nowadays.

  24. I somehow feel there is a story in the school. As with most of the postings I have memories, some fond, some not. The school somehow encapsulates a history of South Bank childhood from pre war through to its demolition. The school resided in an area where there was never a lot a lot of money but it never failed to deliver. There are people who went to that school who have had wonderful careers both locally and all over the world, adding value to their new communities, to technology and economic growth.
    The only people that are recognised in South Bank is Paul Daniels (who as a teenager was my babysitter) and Vin Garbutt. Icons they may be, but that is not what Cromwell Road has given to the world. Has anyone got any suggestions of how we can pull our stories together?

    • david firmstone went to cromwell road, he got and OBE and was President of the sosiety of water colourists and his work fetches high prices, david sturdy also went here and became professor of history at University of Ulster, his brother Raymond studie organ under professor fernando germani director of music at notre dame Paris”!!!

  25. I went to Cromwell road school left in 82 my teacher was mr metcalf he was a fab teacher then I went to gilly

  26. Have some really Good memories of my time at Cromwell road in the early 90’s. Even the teachers weren’t too bad, mine at the time was Mrs lloyd. Do remember Mr Butterworth and Mrs willis as well. 20+ years on I can still remember some of the kids I used to hang around with. Huge shame the school was demolished Would Have loved one last wander around

  27. I went to Cromwell Road school in the 1960’s. Remember Mr. Maughan as Headmaster of the juniors. He was then replaced by Mr. Raby. Have lots of memories, too many to list here. played for the football team and we never won a game – 1st game lost 12-1 to Ravensworth school. Last visited South Bank in 2019 and was really sad to see next to nothing left – I lived in Warwick Street until our house was demolished and we moved to Bankfields Estate at Normanby. I now live in Selby, North Yorkshire

    • Andrew, I played in the same team as you, our coach/teacher was Mr Blake!
      Hey…..I remember that 12-1 drubbing as if it was yesterday
      Trev Smith 👍

      • Hi sorry for the late reply.
        Yes I remember Mr. Blake, was he the art teacher?
        I think the last game we played was against Whale Hill on the field near Harcourt road and we lost 8-0
        I believe the whole school was taken to the field to watch!
        Happy days

        • Hey….,we weren’t the best was we ?
          How’s you ???
          I last came to South Bank about 25 years ago, met with Keith Ruddock and Peter Searl. Place changed massively since I left, you still there ? I’m living in Cardiff.
          GODD TO HEAR FROM YOU !!!

    • i used to play football with a lad from Warwick street called Gregory Sims remember used to swap football cards with him and once went to his birthday party after school,i attended the school from around 1966 to 1973 when i then went to Gillbrook – was at Cromwell road as infant and junior am now shift manager at an oil refinery in Essex

  28. Hello – my name is Godfrey Keeffe went Cromwell Road School in 1946 for about a year and was known as Goff. We came from London so if anyone does remember me it would have been for the accent. We lived at 85 Queens Street with a Mrs Taylor but do not recollect very much from my stay in South Bank. Remember a bakery on the corner and opposite was a garage run by I believe the Buxton family. Paid a visit some time ago but 85 had gone. If I jog any ones memory would be very pleased to hear. Now live in Southampton.

  29. I attended the school from 1951 to 1962. It became a shock when I passed the 11+ and went on to Eston Grammar School (which I hated). My dad died when I was 9yrs old and can remember Miss Unthank being very kind at the time. In later life I went in to join Middlesbrough Police which became Teesside. I left after 9 yrs and joined Shell UK at Teesport Refinery. After 14 yrs there they moved me to London and now retired I live in Arundel West aSussex.

  30. 1959/1960 ,I was in Miss.Unthank’s class for one year before moving to Eston Grammer. I still have memories of her wooden ruler across my knuckles. Better memory was a day trip to Hadrians Wall.

  31. I attended Cromwell Road School in the 1950s /60s Not a pleasant experience when I was 7 years Mrs Linney frightened the living daylights out of me and was very handy at hitting children with 12 inch rulers and Mrs Suffle was worse still why either of them went into teaching I will never know because if they took a dislike to child the pair of them were ruthless

    • I remember those twelve inch rulers. You are right Linney and Suffle should never have gone into teaching. Mr Maughn seems to ignore all complaints from parents. I think even in 1950s and 60s the school was very cruel and harsh. At times I did not know why they were being used on me. I don’t know if anyone remembers me Susan Anderson starting off school life in Mrs Knights class in 1956.

      • Hi Susan I don’t remember you I started Cromwell Road in 1955 and as I said in my previous post I went into Mrs Linneys class aged 7 you are correct in what you said about Mr Maughan he was very ineffectual in dealing with his staff and the punishments they administered on young children but sadly that was how it was back then I speak now as a Mother and Grandmother and someone who worked in Education for most of my life until I retired and I take consolation from the fact that if the Linney and Suffle were in teaching today and went on as they did they would be serving custodial sentences On a lighter note some of the girls in my class were Barbara Williams and Linda Richards and Carol Hall

  32. I and my brother Trevor attended Cromwell Rd school 1952 – 1955.
    My mother Constance Jenny Harris nee Jones and family lived at 129 Queen St.
    I believe she had two brothers (one killed in WW2)
    I remember two cousins Audrey and Beryil who lived quite close, but not sure what street.
    If this reaches any of the Jones family, could be interesting to hear from you.
    We now live in New Zealand.

  33. Yes I remember Miss Linney she put me over her knee she smacked my bottom just because I did not know an answer, she used to bully me at any opportunity.
    I was really terrified of her at 6 years old shameful ! I lacked confidence all my school life
    because of her treatment , horrible person.

    • If it is any consolation to you I got the same treatment from Mrs Linney I was a very nervy highly strung child and she took full advantage of that and on regular basis would call me names and ridicule me in front of the whole class I was 7 years old both Mrs Linney and Mrs Suffle never ever should been allowed near any child they were absolute disgrace to the Education profession and Mr Maughan who was the Head Teacher dispite parents lodging many complaints about their treatment of children did absolutely nothing I take comfort from the fact if they were in Teaching today and treated a child like they did us they would be behind bars and no Education Authority would employ them

    • Yes Mrs Linney and Mrs Suffle were horrible women and never should have been allowed near any child I’m a lady in my 70s now and will never forget the distress and hurt that Mrs Linney caused me the only regret I have is that when I became an adult I couldn’t confront her as a qualified Teacher myself

  34. As I’ve posted before neither Mrs Linney or Mrs Suffle never should have been allowed near child let alone administrator corporal punishment and ridicule children in the ways that they did My only regret is that when I became an adult that I never got the opportunity to confront Mrs Linney not just as a parent myself but a qualified Teacher because words to this day cannot describe what that women did to me

  35. MO. I understand perfectly your feelings about Miss Suffle. She ridiculed me in front of the class and threatened me with more to come if I ever complained to my mother about her again.
    She was the teacher from hell. I`m very glad you are a qualified teacher yourself and can put this archaic teaching method of terror behind us.

    • Both Mrs Linney and and Mrs Suffle should have been barred from teaching. They took pleasure in exploiting children who were vulnerable. My Mam was a single divorced mother, a rarity in the 1950’s and they both targeted me a child (Mrs Suffle in particular) from a ‘broken home’ who was obviously beyond redemption therefore could be rulered for no reason other than getting a sum wrong and backside slapped in front of the entire class for repeating the mistake. I have had wonderful career, worked all over the globe and managed some fantastic global projects. I do wonder what could have been achieved without the terror that these villains caused.

      • Hi I totally agree with everything you said about Mrs Linney and Mrs Suffle as you will have seen in all my previous posts in their case it was very much a little bit of power been a very dangerous thing when it came to teaching young vulnerable children put the fear of God into them and they will learn and child as you were and I was for very reasons were their prime targets. The only reason Mrs Linneys cruel and hurtful behaviour stopped with me was I went home one day with all my knuckles bleeding because shei had hit me so hard Consequently my Mother went to see Mr Maughan and told him in no uncertain terms if he didn’t do something about this she was going report him and Mrs Linney to and the Education Authority and take legal action if that horrible woman ever laid another finger me and I’m not proud of this or see it as a victory and it was almost unheaed of back in 1950s but Mrs Linney certainly had met her match with my mother needless say I was removed from her class and Mrs Linney never spoke to me again I hope both Mrs Linney and Mrs Suffle came to dreadful end because that is what they deserved

        • I cannot add anymore. Mrs Linney, Mrs Suffle and Miss Unthank should not have set foot in a school. The only positive thing their teaching gave me was a vivid imagination. I used to dream of nasty things I could do to them as revenge. As a child it was a waste of time saying anything because Mr maughan did not want to listen to parents or children.

  36. I learnt today that my Dad. born in South Bank in 1915, went to this school in the 1920s. I wonder if any photos exist of the pupils in those days?

    • If you get in touch with The Evening Gazette they produce a newspaper called “Remember When” they maybe able to help you otherwise Middlesbrough Council Archives department they have lots of information about schools in the area from back then

  37. Went to the nursery in 64 can remember having a nap on camp beds after lunch and being made to brush our teeth with soap when we woke. Then went to infants and up to juniors left in 68/9 as Mam had decided she wanted to live close to my two brothers who lived in Stockton. She kept the fish shop going though (Victoria Fisheries) my sister moved into the house with her tribe who all went to the school before she moved Barrington Ave

    • i cant remember how many times ive had fish and chips (and scraps) from the fish shop,my mam used to work in the dairy on the corner next door for many years.I can remember the afternoon naps as well on the camp beds.Favourite teacher was by far Miss Etherington,Moved to Redcar in 1986 and bumped into her many times in the high street and had a chat.

  38. That chip shop on the corner had the best fishcake and chips in the area in my opinion – even better than the famous ones in Whitby. Proper fishcakes too: two pieces of potato sandwiching a piece of fish, dipped in batter and fried – none of your rissole rubbish.

  39. Does anyone remember a Miss Geldard? Her first teaching post was at Cromwell Road, in the infant’s I think. She was my mum, and had very fond memories of the school and the children. Early 60s. I think she was only there for one year.

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