Upsall Pit

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The remains of Upsall Pit are now heavily covered in undergrowth, although the outline of the reservoir and spoil heap can still be identified

The pit was 564ft deep and sunk in the 1850s – 1860s, it is the lowest point of the Eston Mines so was used in pumping water from the mine and ventilation as well as providing access for men and tubs.
The row of houses know as Barnaby Moor or Pit Top (now demolished) were still in existence but deserted in the late 1940s.
Upsall Well
This concrete cover marks the location of the village well.

This extract from ‘A Century is Stone’ by Craig Hornby gives much more detail.

13 thoughts on “Upsall Pit

  1. The story of Barnaby Moor is fascinating. More information as to life on the moor can be obtained from W.E. Brighton’s book on the subject of the Eston Mines, which is thoroughly recommended.

  2. Barnaby was – in the early Middle ages – seen as a large settlement but later died out. The site was apparently to the east of the mine shaft / cottages and nearer to what is now the A171. Wonder if there has been any geophysical archaeological look by anyone ?

  3. That is a good point made David – I often watch Time Team where geophysical surveys are widely used. As a tool is it used much in industrial archaeology? I can think of more than a dozen sites in our area where such a survey on what appears to be waste or unused land would prove very interesting, and assist in deciphering site layout etc.

  4. My great grandfather James Muxlow, grandfather Edward Muxlow and a number of great uncles all worked at the Upsall Pit in the 1870s through to the 1900s. I understand James Muxlow was involved in a mining accident sometime in the 1880s. Does anyone have any knowledge about the Muxlow’s working at Upsall and in particular about James’ mining accident?

    • James, I have been contacted by a guy in Hull who is trying to trace descendants of Sargent Jas W Muxlow as he has a “Eston and Normanby Welcome Home & Memorial Medal” with his name on it. If you or any one in the family are interested I can pass on contact details

  5. Would love to know more about Pit Top/Barnaby Moor and how to find where the Moore family lived? My cousin was born up there in 1950. David Moore apparently was a masterful man. He would go down on a Friday to the shop opposite Guisborough Street and Granma Moore went with him to get grocerys. He would point to the things she could buy and they would be hauled up to the cage where they went up to Pit Top and were collected from there. David Moore was a very religious man and my Dad told me he would dress up in his best suit and Kid gloves to go to Church…

  6. Does anyone know were the well is and can it still be seen i,v looked for it but it is very overgrown i found the reservoir but cudnt find the well just if it can still b seen il go again thanks

      • Thanks very much. I had a good look around that area yesterday i found the remains of the reservoir so on the map its very close do u no if the well is visible or overgrown ?

    • My grandmother lived at 13 Upsall Pit Cottages, I’m assuming she was born there as her father and grandfather mined there. She was born in 1904. She never left Guisborough, living on Westgate until her death in the early 80s. It’s a shame there’s nothing left to see of the settlement, and so few photographs.

  7. My grandmother lived there as a child according to the 1911 census. Her father was a miner there. Margaret Muir, she never left Guisborough, living for many years in Westgate.

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