Eston Mystery Millstone (solved)

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Once again I turn to my readers having drawn a blank on this.
Mystery Millstone, Eston
The millstone is on Eston Recreation Ground, but I cannot find any link between the area and a mill and my internet searches have drawn a blank on when and why it was placed.
Mystery Millstone, Eston
Any ideas ?
The only thing of note on old maps appear to be a Fever Hospital on the opposite side of the road.

UPDATE : The mystery has been solved by Cllr Sheelagh Clarke.
The millstone was purchased from the stone merchant attached to the kennels in Guisborough as part of the landscaping of the Church Lane Pocket Park. It was placed there purely as a decorative item to enhance the landscaped areas rather than representing something specific.

12 thoughts on “Eston Mystery Millstone (solved)

  1. You need to go to the archives. The internet is rubbish for research as most of it is second hand info. You will find something new there. Also try gazette on film in archives and ASK COUNCIL WHY THEY PUT IT THERE.

    • Well I can’t say I agree 100% that the internet is rubbish for research, I’ve uncovered dozens of details and stories that I would otherwise never have found.
      And discovered quite a number of local history books to be incorrect, no different to the internet really, theres can be bad info in all source.

      I have a suspicion one of my regular readers may come up with the goods due to their council links.

    • Yep, i’m waiting for Dave to read this !

      I looked up “Kel Dennis” who those houses are named after but he seems to be linked to local youth bands.

  2. It’s not a millstone. It’s a wheel off Fred Flintstone’s car. Some scally nicked it from Burns Road while he was at parents’ evening and burnt it out over the rec. The stone wheels wouldn’t burn. The only mystery is where the other three went.

    You’re welcome.

  3. Oh dear……. I have to say that I have no idea whatsoever on this.#

    What I will do is ask George Dunning to see if he can help as the rec is near to his own ward area !

  4. Is it a millstone or could it be a low speed grindstone ( whetstone ) that could have been found in a metalworking shop or blacksmiths perhaps? the area would have had various small workshops that would use such a grindstone.

  5. millstone would have had grooves cut from the hub to the edge to allow the grain and flower to flow from the centre where it is fed out to the edge. Looks like a grindstone.

  6. One has to wonder what Redcar Council was thinking to put a whet stone wheel in a Park (which now seems to have died the death of a thousand council cuts) in an area reknown for ironstone mining. Maybe its meant to be representative of the velodrome they proposed building on Geater Eston Park and has now also died the death of a council cuts. Or maybe they needed the money for the monstrosity called a vertical pier that they built, against public wishes, at Redcar.

  7. I live in what was the old miners church on California road. Built in 1857, does anyone have any more info on this as cant find nothing but old photo and a write up I believe it was called California house

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