Thornaby 1892 Public Library

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Thornaby On Tees Library was donated to the town in 1892 (the year Thornaby On Tees was formed) by T Wrightson, one of the firm ‘Head Wrightson’ who were based in Thornaby.
Thornaby 1892 Library
Those details are recorded across the gables
Thornaby 1892 Library
Thornaby 1892 Library
Thornaby 1892 Library
The building was enlarged in 1904 by famous industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie
Thornaby 1892 Library
The large carved plaque above the door records the names of the two contributors.
Thornaby 1892 Library

The building now sadly lies stranded inside the ‘Mandale Triangle’ which is very much like the one in Bermuda.

5 thoughts on “Thornaby 1892 Public Library

  1. The 1895 Town plan shows the library without the two outer gables, the ones that go to a point. I wonder if they knew it would expand in the future, as they left room either side of the original build.

  2. Pingback: Thornaby on Tees library – The Carnegie legacy in England

  3. Spent many a happy hour reading in the children’s library here in the 50s. This is where my love of books was established.

  4. hi my name is tanya like to know more about build and what you are do with it i walk by it every day i like how old days feel and i love to see inside place how long it be stand them no one do everything to it i got a lot idea for place but it look like be stand them for long time will need work do to it but hope hear back from someone who know more about place

  5. I wonder if this was also the red bricked building that the local Toc H group met at, As a young child I remember my nana taking me from St Pauls road towards to station ( Westbury street area?? ) to a building like this in old thornaby with piles of toys, clothes and books on the floor??

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