1897 Stockton Almshouses

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Stockton Almshouses were built around 1897 with the foundation being laid by Mayor Thomas Walton on 26th October 1896.
1897 Stockton Almshouse, Stockton-on-Tees
Theres an inscription somewhere that I missed which reads :-
“Stockton Almshouses
Situation the east side of the High Street, rebuilt 1816 with a sum of money
bequeathed for that purpose by George Brown Esq, were sold and taken down AD 1896.
These buildings were erected with part of the purchasers money AD 1897”
1897 Stockton Almshouse, Stockton-on-Tees
The building is currently shuttered up and I cannot find any information on what the future holds for it, although it is a Grade II listed building.
1897 Stockton Almshouse, Stockton-on-Tees
Below is the Evening Gazette report of the 1896 ceremony.

4 thoughts on “1897 Stockton Almshouses

  1. Please save this precious site. I live in Australiaamd I am coming to the UK next year to do family history. Work houses and Alms Houses feature very strongly in my family’s unfortunate history. I wish to see these places for myself to understand my father’s actions in taking his family to Australia to start a new life.

  2. Hope this building does stay unlike most of the others which seem to have caught fire and burned to the ground … So many in stockton just seems a bit funny … Hope this one stays or like another one which was a listed workhouse was knocked to the ground and a mosque built …

  3. I have just been inside this building and it is being converted into flats. The work started in January this year. The walls have been covered and the ceilings lowered. I have taken a few pictures, but not of the original inside, just as it is part way through conversion.

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