Sparks Daylight Bakery, Stockton

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Ralph Sparks Daylight Bakery was built in a striking Art Deco style in 1938

1938 Sparks Daylight Bakery, Stockton

The building was designed by Robert Ridley Kitching and apparently used hot air from the bakery to heat the rest of the building

1938 Sparks Daylight Bakery, Stockton

The factory closed in 1985 and has fortunately being converted into flats rather than demolished

1938 Sparks Daylight Bakery, Stockton

28 thoughts on “Sparks Daylight Bakery, Stockton

    • We recently moved into your Grandfather old house. No 12.
      It’s a beautiful house with lovely gardens.
      I would just like to tell you that it has been restored to a high standard, to reflect modern living, with a lot of the original features kept as we wanted to maintain as much of the character as possible.
      The workmen doing our works all commented on the quality of the work and materials when originally built. To mention just one – the mains gas was via a 4″ pipe! We joke that perhaps he piped the gas straight from the bakery.
      If you know the any history of the house,bakery and four houses between, (I believe houses built for the bakery Managers/Supervisors), I would be very interested then we will be able to ensure the history/provenance will live on.

    • Ralph Spark was also my great grandfather! He started the bakery. His daughter Frances Taylor (nee Spark) was my grandmother, and my mother, Kathleen Joyce Baker (nee Taylor) was my mother.

      When I was aged 2 -10 we lived in Aberdeenshire and were regularly sent a box of cakes from the bakery, including our Christmas cake every year. My favourites were the snowballs and raspberry drops! I don’t remember ever visiting the bakery, but it was often mentioned in the conversation of my mother and her siblings, of whom her sister Betty is the only one still alive.

    • My Mother-in-law, Eileen Ahern (née Whittingham) worked at Sparks Bakery from about 1957 till she was made redundant in 1985? Any one remember her? Thanks

  1. I worked at sparks bakery when I left roseworth secondry modern school in 1964. started in the tin room greasing the tins .amazing place amazing people, nice to see the front of the building is still there.

    • Hi Susan,my name is Pauline wilkinson nee Smith,I worked with you in the tin room I’m still in touch with some of the girls we worked with at sparks.would like to know what you are doing now

  2. I worked in the general office in the comptometer section, my first job after leaving school. Loved working there, everyone so friendly.

  3. I am looking through my family history and see that my father’s flour Mill in Goole, Hudson Ward & Co Ltd, supplied flour to R Spark & Son in the 1960s and 1970s

  4. We found the comments in this thread really inspiring, when we were researching and creating some artwork of Spark’s Daylight Bakery! We admired the building so much, but are too young to have ever worked there, it’s so lovely reading your comments and imagining how it must have been.

    I thought it might be nice to share our interpretation of this stunning building, I hope that’s okay by the mods? Here it is:

    – Abby

  5. My mum worked there from 1957 till it closed. (Eileen Whittingham) and my god mother (Millie Blackburn) mum said she loved working there.

    • Hi Vic, the name was due to the amount of glazing along the sides of the bakery and the roof lights. That part was demolished and the orchards cleared when the housing development took place.

  6. My Mam June Rowntree (now Ellerton) worked there late 50s to early 60s. She mentions a pond or lake behind the bakery, is this true?

  7. This brings back happy memories! I lived on Patterdale Ave Stockton as a child in the early 60’s, not far from Sparks bakery. They also had a van that used to go around selling cakes and pastries. My mam used to get us some treats every week. I am 66 now and have been living in Canada since 1980, and still miss their chocolate snowballs! They also used to have an oblong cake, with layers of sponge, strawberry blancmange and red jello on the top!

  8. My Dad William Finn , known as Billy,or Mick the painter, dad died January 2023, @94, he worked as a painter and Decorator at bakery and the shops not sue on the dates he worked but guess late 1960,till Late 70s

  9. When I was a kid (50s/60s) I lived in Commondale Avenue. Used to play football on ‘Sparks’s Front’, the lawn in front. Could play until late with the lights that illuminated the frontage. Didn’t appreciate it’s elegant art deco beauty til later in life!

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