Congregational Church, Loftus

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The Congregational Church in Loftus dates from 1906, the builder was a Mr Charles Hebditch, who also married there.

Congregational Church, Loftus
In later years it was the Loftus United Reformed Church which closed in the 1990s. Sadly it’s now in a sad state of disrepair stuck in a stalled redevelopment as flats by a London owner. Its rare open-air pulpit has already been lost. It was apparently up for sale  again for £30,000 in 2012.

Congregational Church, Loftus

One entrance carries the inscription “Bolton Memorial School” although I have not yet traces its exact origin. A large number of initialled stones appear around the base of the church, presumably placed to record those who contributed to its construction.
Congregational Church, Loftus
Congregational Church, Loftus
Congregational Church, Loftus
The corner stone carries the name Alderman C H Baines and a April 1906 date, so perhaps he opened it or layed the foundation ?

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