Margery Bradley Stone

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The Margery Bradley stone marks the meeting point of three parishes. Farndale East, Rosedale West Side and Westerdale.

An ordnance survey mark has been cut into the road side.
Margery Bradley Stone
The other face was inscribed “TD” for Thomas Duncombe in the 18th century.

Margery Bradley Stone

The stone has existed as a waymarker since medieval times, but it could have originally have been from the bronze age and be associated with the nearby Flat Howe burial mound.

Old Ralphs Cross

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‘Old Ralph’ stands just a short distance from the very well known ‘Young Ralph’, famous for being on the logo of the national park.
The lesser visited Old Ralph could be as old as the 11th century, the Guisborough Charters of 1200AD mention a Crucem Radulphi, possibly named after Bishop Ralph of Guisborough Priory.
Old Ralph Cross
One face of the cross carries the inscription CD 1708 which was added for landowner Charles Duncombe.
Old Ralph Cross
Most moor crosses are way markers or land boundaries, rather than religious objects.

Frank Elgee Memorial, Blakey Ridge

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Frank Elgee was born in North Ormesby on 8th November 1880, when the Dorman Museum opened in 1904 he was made assistant curator and became the curator in 1923.
Frank Elgee Memorial

He authored numerous books on the North Yorkshire Moors such as The Moorlands of North-Eastern Yorkshire (1912), The Romans in Cleveland (1923) and Early Man in North East Yorkshire (1930)
Frank Elgee Memorial
He was instrumental in the excavation of the Iron Age hillfort at Eston Nab
Frank Elgee Memorial
Elgee died in 1944 and this memorial stone was erected in 1953.

Beresford House / Park View, Grove Hill

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These two identical houses were built 1865-67 for Thomas Vaughan.

No 274 Marton Road was known as Beresford House.
Beresford House / Consett House, Grove Hill
In 1889 it was onwed by Marmaduke Watson Proudlock who was the general manager of the Teesside Iron and Engine Works.
The next owner was Colonel Penry William who renamed it Consett House, he was later to become MP for Middlesbrough in 1910. In later years it has served as a Salvation Army Home.

The neighbouring Park View was originally owned by Sir Joseph Calvert (one time Mayor of Middlesbrough), it became a medical centre in 1932 under Dr William Irwin.
Park View, Grove Hill