Underground course of West Dyke, Redcar

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West Dyke currently goes underground at the edge of the A174, an area now prone to flooding. An open stream is shown here on 1970s maps and until recently the top of Oxgang Bridge was still visible at the edge of Plantation Road, although the parapets have since been removed.
Lost Bridge, Redcar
A footpath which follows the course of the steam runs from Plantation Road all the way down the side of the racecouse, this is shown as an open stream on 1950s maps before the construction of West Dyke Road and Lakes estate. Being pushed underground around Greystoke Road by the 1970s

A sharp westerly turn is taken at  the end of Thrush Road, and in the 1930s it came back to surface alongside Corporation Road, this area must have been culverted when Sandringham/Buckingham Roads were built.
The stream can then be seen going back south and under Corporation Road, amazingly the concrete parapet for this old bridge still exists despite the College having been built over the site in the 1960s when that stretch was most likely culverted too
West Dyke, Redcar
The 1950s map  shows an open stream going under Corporation Road and behind the houses on the south side before going into Locke Park1950s

The water re-emerges in Locke Park with an identical concrete bridge to the one on Corporation Road, so they most likely both date from the opening of the park in 1929.
West Dyke, Redcar

Virtually the full length of the culvert remains under footpaths, presumably in case of collapse.

8 thoughts on “Underground course of West Dyke, Redcar

  1. Does anyone know the path of the Dyke that goes underground on the A174 opposite the new Ings housing estate it used to exit at in the Extension to Zetland Park Laburnam road

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