Anti-tank Defences – Millclose Howle, Redcar

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Coastal erosion has recently revealed what I believe are the foundations of WW2 anti-tank cubes at Millclose Howle, they were not visible on the current Google Earth images.
WW2 Anti-Tank Remains, Millclose Howle, Redcar
The cubes would have blocked access at this point by invading tanks.
WW2 Anti-Tank Remains, Millclose Howle, Redcar
The cubes themselves were probably destroyed soon after the war, but these stubs remain.
WW2 Anti-Tank Remains, Millclose Howle, Redcar
A block of three is fully revealed, but there are more still hidden under the soil that appear more intact.
WW2 Anti-Tank Remains, Millclose Howle, Redcar

Sun Inn, Spout House, Bilsdale

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Spout House is a 16th century cruck framed farmhouse, named after a nearby spring.
Sun Inn, Spout House, Bilsdale
It became an ale house known as the Sun Inn in 1714
Sun Inn, Spout House, Bilsdale
The new pub opposite the house was built in 1914 and the original Sun Inn closed.Sun Inn, Spout House, Bilsdale
Remarkably the old house was then left undisturbed with its original furniture until 1979 when it was taken over and re-opened by the National Park Authority.
Sun Inn, Spout House, Bilsdale
An upper bedroom gives a view of the A-shaped cruck frame.
Sun Inn, Spout House, Bilsdale
Illustrations from ‘Englands Oldest Hunt’ published in 1907.