Mystery ‘Pease’ stone, Loftus – SOLVED – Bible Christian Chapel

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Initially I drew a complete blank on this one, but from the many comments Loftus historian and local Councillor, Eric Jackson, thinks he has answer. For a period between the 1890′s and WW2 the site housed the Loftus Bible Christian Chapel, and he feels that the stone is a survivor from that church

Pease Stone, Loftus
The stone looks to have been laid as a dedication stone on what is now a garage.
Pease Stone, Loftus
Best I could come up initially was “A Pease” followed by an obscured date.

The new information helped me locate a direct link to “A Pease” and the Bible Christian Chapel in 1882.


9 thoughts on “Mystery ‘Pease’ stone, Loftus – SOLVED – Bible Christian Chapel

  1. 1893 Map shows the same building there with what looks likean enclosed sdpace in front of it to the road. there is nothing from that building on that side of the road west.

    1913 map shows the houses along the road to the West and the school has appeared.

    No indication of what it was or why it would have a dedication stone.

  2. If you go on Loftus history message board professions and trades 1890. Under petty sessions there is an A Pease listed as a magistrate
    hope that helps.

  3. A Pease was almost certainly Arthur Pease of the mining and railway dynasty who was living in Guisborough at the time and was a prominent magistrate. As they owned almost everything in the area, a plaque is not too unusual, Of course it could have been pirated from another building altogether !

  4. Looking at it on the old maps it had an enclosure in front of it, I wonder if it could be a Dairy? or, with the big door at the side a Wheelwright or a Wagon / Cart builder?
    Maybe even a Blacksmiths.

  5. I spoke about this yesterday to Loftus historian and local Councillor, Eric Jackson, and I think we have an answer. For a period between the 1890’s and WW2 the sire housed the Loftus Christian Bible Chapel, and he feels that the stone is a surviver from that church

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