Frank Wild, Antarctic explorer.

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John Robert Francis Wild was born on the 10th of April 1873 in Skelton.

Wikipedia informs us :-

In 1901 he was a member of Robert Falcon Scott’s crew as an Able seaman on the Discovery, along with Ernest Shackleton who was then a sub-lieutenant.
He was with Shackleton on the Nimrod Expedition 1908–1909 and was a member of the team that crossed the Ross Barrier and Beardmore Glacier at a record latitude of 88º23’S.
In 1911 he joined Douglas Mawson’s Aurora expedition and was in charge of the western base on the Shackleton Ice Shelf.
He served as Shackleton’s second-in-command on Shackleton’s Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1914–1916).
He was second-in-command of the Shackleton–Rowett Expedition (1921–22).

A more extensive biography and photos can be found here

Frank Wild

I was always doomed to failure, trying to get a decent photo of something behind glass in a well lit building.

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