Stump Cross, Danby

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Stump Cross stands a few hundred meters to the east of Danby Beacon at the junction of two medieval trackways.
Stump Cross, Danby
Stonegate which runs from the village called Stonegate to Danby Beacon and Leavergate which runs from the Danby Beacon towards Easington.
Stump Cross, Danby
It is thought the original cross shaft was longer and only the broken ‘stump’ remains, although given its current name of ‘Stump Cross’ that break must have happened in the distant past.

Great Ayton Wicker Soldier

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The solider was first erected in 2014 to mark the 100th anniversary of the start of World War 1.
Wicker Soldier, Great Ayton

Woollen medals knitted by the Great Ayton Knit and Knatter group are put on the soldier on the day each one was killed, also a minutes silence is held at the village war memorial on the exact centenary of their death.
War Memorial, Great Ayton

The project will continue into 2018 by which time all 50 who were killed will have been remembered.

Wicker Soldier, Great Ayton