Thursday 8th November – Errington Woods & Upleatham

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Skelton History Group

Thursday 8th November – Errington Woods & Upleatham

Distance: 3¾ miles; Ascent 395ft; Duration 3½-4 hours We set off at 10:30am from the car park at Errington Woods (NZ 618201). The walk is a circular walk, done in a clockwise direction, mostly on or near a contour level. The heritage will cover the ironstone mine at Upleatham, its association with the mine at Hob Hill, Saltburn, and the village and Hall at Upleatham.

A charge of £2 per person will be made on each walk to offset the costs of Insurance. Please wear appropriate footwear and have clothing suitable for the likely weather conditions on that day. It is suggested that you bring food and drink as we usually stop between midday and 1:00pm for a lunch break.

Further details can be had from: or by contacting Peter Appleton (Tel: 01287 281752)

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