Village Hall on Ormesby Bank

The Village Hall on Ormesby Bank looks a little worse for wear, with all its windows filled in.

The hall stoods almost alone on the 1953 map, with just a few properties of the subsequent housing estates on Ormesby Bank in place.

It does seem to still be in use as a boxing club with the photo below showing the semi-circular window seen from outside.

2 thoughts on “Village Hall on Ormesby Bank

  1. such a shame…there are grants available to bring such back to life- I ran the last one in guisbro, a prefab for several years & the council did nowt….the original had been the old headmaster’s house on rectory lane – now replaced by a house…I mention this on my history walk…we need community centres back….are u listening Boris???

  2. I understand the building of the hall was a condition imposed on the developers of te Longbank estate by the Pennymans when they gave up part of their family land for housing. Cannot recall when this was – late 30s I think.

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