Wilton Glacial Erratic Boulder

This rock lies within the Wilton International Site, so cannot be viewed by the public.

The plaque says everything you need to know :-

This 3.8 ton piece of calcareous limestone (containing shells) was transported by glaciers and deposited on the Wilton site between 70,000 and 13,000 years ago.

Mick Garrett took this shot 14 years ago.

2007 – Mick Garratt / Erratic Boulder, Wilton / CC BY-SA 2.0

Although the rock hasn’t changed, the surroundings have.

2021 – John Dale

3 thoughts on “Wilton Glacial Erratic Boulder

  1. I have looked out for this as I travel through the site to and from work but as yet I’ve not found it.
    Could anyone give a location of it.
    Google pin or “What3 Words” location.

  2. I remember seeing the boulder five minutes walk from our plant – ‘PF’ plant, in 1982. It’s an incredible thought just how far it travelled in a relatively short time!

  3. I am old enough to remember when all those “experts” were predicting the onset of the next ice age. Then when they got it wrong, they said that we would all burn with global warming; fearing that they had that wrong they just renamed it Climate Change…

    Well at least this stone is proof that an ice age happened long before any industrial revolution and human intervention…

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