Bombardment of the Hartlepools

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On my previous visit to the site in mid-2014 this monument did not exist, it appeared a few months later.

Bombardment of the Hartlepools

It commemorates the death of 114 civilians, 9 soldiers and 7 sailors killed in the Bombardment of the Hartlepools on 16th December 1914.

Bombardment of the Hartlepools

It was erected to mark the 100th Anniversary and unveiled on 16th December 2014 by the Lord-Lieutenant of County Durham Sue Snowdon.

Bombardment of the Hartlepools
Engraving on rear of monument

The engraving is tricky to photograph, but it a reproduction of the painting The Bombardment of the Hartlepools by James Clark, painted in 1915.

The Bombardment of the Hartlepools by James Clark, painted in 1915

A huge amount of information about the events of that day is on display in the nearby Heugh Battery.

Bombardment of the Hartlepools Fragment
Shrapnel from December 16th 1914

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