Wednesday 3rd October – Mulgrave Woods

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Skelton History Group

Wednesday 3rd October – Mulgrave Woods
Distance: 4 miles; Ascent 620ft; Duration 4-4½ hours We meet at 10:30am in the car park at East Row, at the entrance to the Mulgrave estate. Alternative parking is available in the Sandsend car park at the foot of Lythe Bank. The sites visited on this walk include: Mulgrave Cement Works, Asholme alum quarry and old Mulgrave castle.

A charge of £2 per person will be made on each walk to offset the costs of Insurance. Please wear appropriate footwear and have clothing suitable for the likely weather conditions on that day. It is suggested that you bring food and drink as we usually stop between midday and 1:00pm for a lunch break.

Further details can be had from: or by contacting Peter Appleton (Tel: 01287 281752)

Monday 21st May – Saltwick Alum Works

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Skelton History Group
Monday 21st May – Saltwick alum works

Distance: 4 miles; Ascent 690ft; Duration 4-4½ hours Meet at the top of the 199 steps (NZ 902 112) in Whitby for a 10:30am depart. The nearest car park is the Abbey Plain car park, which is “pay-and-display”. The route takes us south along the Cleveland Way as far as the caravan park, from where we descend into Saltwick Bay. The rest of the time will be spent down on the foreshore taking a good look at the wealth of heritage, mostly associated with the alum works, but including evidence of shipwrecks, and of items whose uses have still to be satisfactorily explained. We return to Whitby the way we came – up the long flight of steps from the beach to the caravan park and back along the coastal path.

The pace of the walks is leisurely, with regular stops to admire the view (especially when going uphill!) and to hear about the heritage around us.

A charge of £2 per person will be made on each walk to offset the costs of Insurance. Please wear appropriate footwear and have clothing suitable for the likely weather conditions on that day. It is suggested that you bring food and drink as we usually stop between midday and 1:00pm for a lunch break.

Further details can be had from: or by contacting Peter Appleton (Tel: 01287 281752)

Tuesday 24th April – Selby Hagg and Saltburn Alum Works

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Skelton History Group
Tuesday 24th April – Selby Hagg and Saltburn alum works

Distance: 4 miles; Ascent 490ft; Duration 3-3½ hours Meet at 10:30am in Cat Nab car park (NZ 668 215). This is a pay-and-display car park, so have plenty of change with you. This out and back route will take us up Saltburn Gill to the site of Selby Hagg alum works. From there, as we retrace our steps through the Gill, we will be following the route taken by the alum liquor as it made its way to the alum house at Saltburn. Although mostly on level ground, there are two or three steep ascents/descents (inevitable given the narrow, wooded gorges in our area).

The pace of the walks is leisurely, with regular stops to admire the view (especially when going uphill!) and to hear about the heritage around us.

A charge of £2 per person will be made on each walk to offset the costs of Insurance. Please wear appropriate footwear and have clothing suitable for the likely weather conditions on that day. It is suggested that you bring food and drink as we usually stop between midday and 1:00pm for a lunch break.

Further details can be had from: or by contacting Peter Appleton (Tel: 01287 281752)

Mining Geology Of The North York Moors – Friday 3rd February

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Mining Geology Of The North York Moors By Dr Steve Liverast
Local Jurassic rocks include Ironstone, Coal, Cement, Jet, Building Stone and Alum
Find out about the formation and resulting mining of these ores
Friday 3rd February at 7pm
St. Matthew’s Church, Grosmont
Donation of £3 includes refreshments

We are very fortunate to have a superb sequence of rocks across the North York Moors. They helped pioneering geologists define the early framework of the science and continue to be used to train the next generations. However the rocks have also been exploited throughout human history to build prosperity and develop the region. The Jurassic section spans some 50 million years of deposit and contains a large variety of ore minerals including ironstone, coal, cement, jet, building stone and alum. Each ore required unique environmental conditions for its formation and the talk will outline what these were and illustrate the resulting mining activity used in extraction.

The photo shows Cleveland Ironstone seams and infilled mine adits near Staithes

Fossils and Fortunes at Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum

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Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum in Skinningrove is holding a heritage day event ‘Fossils and Fortunes’ at the Museum on Saturday 6th July 2013. Talks will include Ages Past, Plant Fossils at Marske Quarry, Alum Folk, Ironstone, Maps and Museums- William Smith, the Rotunda Museum and the Geology of the Yorkshire Coast and Protecting your Earth Heritage. Speakers include locally based specialists including Denis Golding of TVRIGS, Mike Windle (NE Yorkshire Geology Trust), Will Watts (Scarborough Museums Trust), John Waring (TVRIGS), Peter Appleton (Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum) and Andy Cooper (TVRIGS). All welcome, but spaces limited booking required.
No formal charge, donations will be invited from the audience.
To book or for further information please contact Jean Banwell to book on 01287 642877 or by email . Sandwich lunches can be ordered in advance.

Whitaker Brick Company, Ravenscar

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This brickworks was setup in 1900 to provide bricks for the nearby Ravenscar development that never materialised, it is located inside an old Alum quarry.

The remains of the single large Hoffman Kiln are still to be found on the site.
Ravenscar Brick Works
Although heavily overgrown the outer doors can still be identified
Ravenscar Brick Works
Ravenscar Brick Works
Despite the failure of Ravenscar, the brickworks was next to the railway and found work supplying bricks to Scarbrorough until the 1930s. The chinmeys on the site remained in place until demolition in the 1960s.
A bridge nearby still stands that carried the abanboned Whitby to Scarborough line
Ravenscar Brick Works

Saltburn Alum Works

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Very little information exists on the Saltburn Alum works which operated 1670-1695 and 1765-1775.
Saltburn Alum Works
The semi-circular sandstone structure with a water-tight clay lining that is currently eroding out of the cliff strongly resembles a cistern for alum liquor such as those seen at well known alum working sites such as Boulby and Loftus.
Boulby Alum Works CisternLoftus Alum Quarry

Much timber and brickwork is also present, suggesting there was a building adjacent and perhaps even steeping pits.
Saltburn Alum Works
Saltburn Alum Works

The site is gradually being destroyed by erosion as a central wooden post was originally visible in the cistern.

Update 2013 : Sadly the remains of the stone cistern were completely destroyed by the storm surge on 5th December 2013 (photo by Simon Chapman)
