Old Bridge between Slapewath and Guisborough

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The location of the road between Slapewath and Guisborough has changed over the years, just to the south of its current course remains a much older sandstone bridge.
Old Bridge, Slapewath
Its now surrounded by heavy undergrowth and is missing a few blocks in places.
Old Bridge, Slapewath
The remains of a cobbled surface can be found on top.
Old Bridge, Slapewath

Looking at old maps i would say it was the only road shown on the 1938 map, the 1958 suggests both exist and by 1968 its just the new more northerly location.

Guisborough Forest and Walkway Carvings

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There are numerous wooden carvings immediately around the car park area of the visitors centre.
Guisborough Forest and Walkway
These owls are the same as those in Errington Woods so must be by Steve Iredale
Guisborough Forest and Walkway
His work is generally animals, so this is most likely his too.
Guisborough Forest and Walkway
This one seems a little more basic, perhaps some sort of workshop of kids ?
Guisborough Forest and Walkway
This walker is Steve Iredale again and dates from the Diabetes UK Great North Walk in 2010
Guisborough Forest and Walkway
This final carving of a face into a live tree is very interesting.

1914 Culvert under Chalenor Tramway

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An ironstone tramway between the Chalenor mines near Guisborough and the Eston mines was built in 1914 when the underground link was severed.
Several traces of this remain, including this culvert for Moordale Beck with the 1914 date carved into the arch.
1914 Culvert under Chalenor tramway
1914 Culvert under Chalenor tramway
The arching has been strengthened a long time ago as the two lower tubes both resemble riveted boiler pipes.
1914 Culvert under Chalenor tramway

Westworth Reservoir

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Westworth Reservoir was built by the Guisborough Water Company around 1871, it has in recent years been abandoned.

Westworth Reservoir Westworth Reservoir   

I don’t know the exact date of closure and remodelling, but a 2002 report talks about the cross-section of the dam being left.

Westworth Reservoir Westworth Reservoir Westworth Reservoir

The overflow tower is the most striking reminder, along with a stone spillway which is gradually becoming overgrown.

Westworth Reservoir Westworth Reservoir

A small building and plinth remain for an “interpretation panel” that clearly never materialised.

Plan of Spa Wood workings under the reservoir (triggered by discussion in the comments)
