Newport Ironworks, Blast Furnace Foundations, Middlesbrough

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These furnace bases are some of the few remains left of the ironmasters district.

Newport Ironworks Furnace Bases Newport Ironworks Furnace Bases

Newport Ironworks Furnace Bases Newport Ironworks Furnace Bases

There is a disagreement between the notice board on site and a Cleveland Industrial Archaeology Report from 1979.

The CIAS report states Bernhard Samuelson built five furnaces known as the “old side” 1864 – 1867 and three more known as the “new side” in 1869 -1871. The notice board says the remains are the three ‘new side’ blast furnaces built in 1874.

The ironstone used here was mined in the Slapewath / Spa Wood area.

Newport Ironworks Furnace Bases  Newport Ironworks Furnace Bases

Amos Hinton Plaque, Middlesbrough

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Amos Hinton (1844 – 1919) is probably best known for founding the chain of Hintons stores which were absorbed into Presto in 1984 (and then in turn Safeway and Morrisons)

Conflicting adjacent plaques date the Corporation Road store which took over the site of Dr William Grieves Cleveland Academy to either 1886 or 1890. Hinton went on to be a Town Councillor, Alderman, leader of the Temperence Movement, a magistrate, Poor Law Guardian and Mayor of Middlesbrough in 1886
Amos Hinton Plaque, MiddlesbroughAmos Hinton Plaque, Middlesbrough
The original building (now the HSBC Bank) was largly destroyed by fire in 1986, luckily the Tomorrow History site has a drawing by the architect Robert Lofthouse

HSBC Middlesbrough

Joseph Constantine Plaque, Teesside University

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Constantine Technical College was opened by the Prince of Wales, the future King Edward VIII, on 2 July 1930. Eight years after the death of local shipowner Joseph Constantine who contributed £80,000. His families companies were known as Constantine & Pickering Steamship Co and Joseph Constantine Steamship Line.

Joseph Constantine  

The college became Teesside Polytechnic in 1969/1970 and Teesside University in 1992

Royal Exchange Middlesbrough – Green Man

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I have previously posted about another scrap of the Royal Exchange currently outside the Corus offices, so I was very happy to receive the following photograph from P Swan who previously worked for the council.

Royal Exchange Middlesbrough, Green Man
At the top of the frieze of the greek style front of the Royal Exchange was a Green Man – in the middle, a symbol for good luck. The whole facade was removed and taken to Cargo Fleet Depot. On the
demise of Cleveland County Council most of it was put in skips and cleared.

Fortunately this part survives and i’m very grateful to Mr Swan for sharing it with me.

Middlesbrough Dock Clock Tower / Water Tower

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The original tower was built by John Middleton in 1847, only three sides of the clock tower have a face because they were erected by subscription and its said the businesses on the blank side didn’t want their workers clockwatching.

MIddlesbrough Docks Clock Tower MIddlesbrough Docks Clock Tower MIddlesbrough Docks Clock Tower

After numerous redesigns of the docks, the current tower is said to date from around 1870, it doubled as a water tower to maintaining water pressure in the dock gates.

Middlesbrough Players War Memorial

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At the beginning of the ‘Boro Brick Road’ outside the Riverside Stadium are a series of bricks to commemorate the 8 Middlesbrough players killed in both World Wars.

Boro Brick Road, War Heroes  

  • Andrew Jackson died 1917
  • Henry Cook died 1917
  • Donald McLeod died 1917
  • Bobby Atherton died 1917
  • Archibald Wilson died 1918
  • Dick Wynn died 1919
  • David Murphy died 1944
  • Ralph Arran died 1944

Their full stories can be read here

Bolckow and Vaughans Graves, St Cuthberts, Marton

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Despite being two of the founding fathers of Middlesbrough, the graves had fallen into disrepair until they were recently refurbished

John Vaughans Grave, St Cuthberts Marton Henry Bolckows Grave, St Cuthberts Marton

Bolckow died in Ramsgate on 18th June 1878, 10,000 people attended his funeral, said to be one fifth of the population of Middlesbrough.
Henry Bolckows Grave, St Cuthberts Marton St Cuthberts Marton
Vaughan died in London on 16th September 1868

A plaque to Vaughan who died on 16 September 1868 was found under a bush 20 years ago, this is also going to be put back on display

Update 28/11/11
A diagram of the plaque is now attached to the grave plot.
John Vaughan Family Vault

Memorial Plaque to William Henry Thomas

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William Henry Thomas (1858 – 1923) was the founder of the Middlesbrough and District Betterment and Open Spaces Association, a small rest garden on Acklam Road houses the memorial.

 Boro 001 Boro 002

Considering the subject matter, its rather sad that part of the park has recently been lost to roundabout for new housing estate and the general state of disrepair of the steps leading up to the monument.

Boro 003 

However I found some council meeting minutes which say the developer is to spend £500,000 on upgrading the public open space, hopefully those will include the park and memorial.