Yarm Viaduct

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The 690m long, 43 arch, Yarm Viaduct was built at a cost of £44,500 between 1848 and its official opening on 15th May 1852.
Yarm Viaduct
It contains over 7.5 millions brick and was built to extend the Leeds and Thirsk Railway from Northallerton to Stockton and Hartlepool when it became known as the Leeds Northern Railway.
Yarm Viaduct

The carved plaque records the Engineers Thomas Grainger and John Bourne.
Superintendent Joseph Dixon
Contractors Trowsdale, Jackson and Garbutt. 1849

Stockton and Darlington Railway Centenary Plaque, Yarm

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This plaque was erected by the residents of Yarm in 1925 on the 100th anniversary of the Stockton and Darlington Railway.
Stockton and Darlington Railway, Yarm
It lists the residents of Yarm involved. Thomas Meynell (Chairman), Benjamin Flounders,(a quaker industrialist) Jeremiah Cairns (listed as Meynells steward and agent), Richard Miles (a quaker lead agent) and Thomas Miles.
A engraving of ‘Locomotion No.1’ is at the top.

North Eastern Railway stone, Saltburn

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This ‘NER’ stone is in the kerb outside Saltburn Railway station.
Saltburn Station NER Stones
The station was originally opened in 1861 by the ‘Stockton and Darlington Railway’ which became part of the ‘North Eastern Railway’ in 1863 but it could date from then until 1923 when the ‘North Eastern Railway’ became the ‘London and North Eastern Railway’

North Eastern Railway, Cottage Homes, Redcar

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These two cottages on Lilac Grove carry plaques for “NER Cottage Homes” NER Cottage Homes, Redcar
The ‘North Eastern Railway Cottage Homes and Benefit Fund was formed in 1919 and funded by a deduction for railway workers wages, presumable houses at that time were only for railwaymen.
NER Cottage Homes 1925, Redcar
NER Cottage Homes 1926, Redcar
Despite being neighbours one was built in 1925 and the other in 1926 so are relatively early in the organisations existence.
The charity still exists today and is known as the Railway Housing Association which provides affordable rented homes for anyone.

Bridge between Cargo Fleet Ironworks and Cargo Fleet Wharf

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This bridge crossing the main railway now stands isolated behind Dockside Road and the back of the South Tees Motor Sports Park which covers the location of the Cargo Fleet Ironworks
Bridge to Cargo Fleet Wharf
Its inaccessible from either end, presumably to stop vandals throwing things onto passing trains as crossing wouldn’t actually get you anywhere.
Bridge to Cargo Fleet Wharf
Dave Walsh then quickly posed an interesting question about whether this was actually the bridge that carried the Cleveland Railway to the Normanby Jetty, to which I didn’t know the answer. Looking at the 1894 map there are actually two adjacent bridges, the northern one going to the Cargo Fleet Wharf and the southern one going to the Normanby Jetty used by Bell Brothers to transport ironstone to their works at Port Clarence.

The 1915 map appear the show the southerly bridge gone, leaving only the remaining one to the Cargo Fleet Wharf, but i’m by no means certain of all its functions over the years so any additional information would be welcome.

Update : Simon Chapman has kindly shared a 1972 photo of the bridge with me. In front of the bridge on the right can be seen the remaining parapet of the Cleveland Railway bridge to Normanby Jetty which was subsequently demolished. On the left of the photo is Normanby signalbox which controlled the junction for mineral traffic into Cargo Fleet Works.

1865 NER Railway Cottages, Longbeck

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These two houses by the railway crossing at Longbeck were built in 1865 by the North Eastern Railway Company. As with the pair in Redcar this dates them to 4 years after the line was extended from Redcar to Saltburn.
NER Railway Cottage 1865, Longbeck
Again left has faired a little better, retaining its arches over the windows and doors, although unfortunately both are now pebble-dashed.
NER Railway Cottage 1865, Longbeck

1865 NER Railway Cottages, Redcar

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These two houses by the railway crossing on Redcar Lane were built in 1865 by the North Eastern Railway Company. This dates them to 4 years after the line was extended from Redcar to Saltburn
NER Railway Cottage 1865, Redcar
The house on the left retains much of its original character, while the one on the right has been completely obscured by moderns windows, doors and peddle dash.
NER Railway Cottage 1865, Redcar