The Redcar Rollercoaster

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An amusement park opened in Redcar in 1924 on a 15 year lease. The park contained a large covered skating rink, ‘Hilarity Hall’, ‘Noahs Ark’ and  ‘River Caves’


The big attraction was a wooden rollercoaster called the ‘Giant Racer’ (called a ‘scenic railway’ on the OS map)

Redcar Racer

Aerial photos fortunately exist too of the Giant Racer and River Caves rides.


This film footage of the Giant Racer and River Caves rides also exists.

The site closed in 1938 when the lease ran out, and was used for building Sandringham and Buckingham Road. The Giant Racer was disassembled and moved to Sheerness, although its life there was cut short by the outbreak of war, the site later became Butlins in 1945.

Underground course of West Dyke, Redcar

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West Dyke currently goes underground at the edge of the A174, an area now prone to flooding. An open stream is shown here on 1970s maps and until recently the top of Oxgang Bridge was still visible at the edge of Plantation Road, although the parapets have since been removed.
Lost Bridge, Redcar
A footpath which follows the course of the steam runs from Plantation Road all the way down the side of the racecouse, this is shown as an open stream on 1950s maps before the construction of West Dyke Road and Lakes estate. Being pushed underground around Greystoke Road by the 1970s

A sharp westerly turn is taken at  the end of Thrush Road, and in the 1930s it came back to surface alongside Corporation Road, this area must have been culverted when Sandringham/Buckingham Roads were built.
The stream can then be seen going back south and under Corporation Road, amazingly the concrete parapet for this old bridge still exists despite the College having been built over the site in the 1960s when that stretch was most likely culverted too
West Dyke, Redcar
The 1950s map  shows an open stream going under Corporation Road and behind the houses on the south side before going into Locke Park1950s

The water re-emerges in Locke Park with an identical concrete bridge to the one on Corporation Road, so they most likely both date from the opening of the park in 1929.
West Dyke, Redcar

Virtually the full length of the culvert remains under footpaths, presumably in case of collapse.

North Eastern Daily Gazette Building, Redcar

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Today my hometown threw up something I had never noticed before, the old offices of the North Eastern Daily Gazette on Station Road in Redcar.
Daily Gazette, Peels Place, Redcar

The building itself is known as Peels Place and seems to be built from light coloured Pease bricks like much of Saltburn.
Peels Place, Redcar
Peels Place, Redcar

The North Eastern Daily Gazette was the name of what is today the Evening Gazette, between 1881 and 1936

Emma Dawson and the Redcar Lifeboat

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The Zetland Lifeboat Museum is a familiar sight on Redcar Seafront, but it dates from 1877 much later than when the Zetland itself was in service from 1802 – 1864.
Zetland Lifeboat Museum
This lifeboat station and lifeboat were funded by the philanthopy of Emma Dawson and the United Order of Free Gardeners, the boat being named ‘Emma’ in her honour, it actually operated independantly of the RNLI.51B3tGc1f0L

There are several sandstone carvings, all of which are now heavily weathered.
Emma Dawson, Zetland Lifeboat Museum
The left stones are the emblem of the United Order of Free Gardeners and the build date 1877, with her intials “ED”
Emma Dawson, Zetland Lifeboat Museum
Emma Dawsons family crest is on the right, with ‘WH’ for Weston Hall her home.
Weston Hall
Weston Hall (Gordon Hatton) / CC BY-SA 2.0
Emma Dawson died on 29th October 1880, a memorial and stained glass window can be seen in All Saints Church near Weston Hall.
All Saintsjpg

All Saints Church, Weston (Gordon Hatton) / CC BY-SA 2.0

‘This monument was erected by her Redcar Lifeboat crew as a record of their respectful gratitude for the disinterested services, the eminent usefulness, and the long-tried and faithful attachment of their glorified friend.’

The ‘Emma’ was in service from 1877 to 1884 and the building becamethe home of the Zetland in 1907.

Grave of Captain John Bell DSC, Redcar

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Captain John Bell was transporting coal on the SS Thordis off Beachy Head on February 28th 1915 when his boat was attacked by a German submarine.
Captain John Bell DSC Grave, Redcar
Captain John Bell DSC Grave, Redcar
With his unarmed ship he managed to ram the periscope and became the first to sink a U-boat, the captain and his crew were given a total reward of £860, the equivalent of £75,000 today.

His Distinguished Service Order medal and engraved watch came up for action in 2013.

This grave has also been restored by Friends of Redcar Cemetery, their Chairman Ged Fleming add :-

The monies needed for the refurbishment of Capt Bell’s memorial was provided by a Nationwide collection through the Merchant Navy Association by a Stockton member Billy McGee.We recommended a stone mason and arranged for a dedication service attended by Capt Bell’s family.One of the family brought a bottle of beer which rested against the stone for three year before it disappeared

Redcar Boer War Memorial

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What looks like a normal gravestone is actually a memorial to Redcar soldiers killed in the Boer War. Corporal Wilson Wiles wounded at Paadeburg (this is spelt incorrectly on the stone it should be Paardeberg) died 5 months later in hospital.
Redcar Boer War Memorial
Privates Hardy and Wilkinson who were killed at Paardeberg and Outhwaite who died of ‘enteric’ which we would now know as typhoid.
The memorial was recently restored by the Friends of Redcar Cemetery.

pic gazette
A sketch exists if the newspaper of the time, although it should noted it says he was the fifth Redcar soldier to be killed, so someone is missing from the memorial (the name on the side is from 1940 presumably Wiles brother)

Possibly this Private Hodgson hodgeson

Royal Air Force Memorial, Redcar Cemetery

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This mosaic was comissioned by Friends of Redcar Cemetery and unveiled on 1st September 2013
Royal Air Force Memorial, Redcar
The artist was John Todd who also did the Mo Mowlem mosaic
Royal Air Force Memorial, Redcar
Among those present were Rev Rachel Harrison, Ian Swales MP, Redcar and Cleveland’s Mayor Vic Jeffries, Lord Zetland, and the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire, Anthony Wharton.

Royal Air Force Memorial, RedcarRoyal Air Force Memorial, RedcarRoyal Air Force Memorial, Redcar

Sir Rex Hunt Memorial, Zetland Park, Redcar.

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This memorial to Sir Rex Hunt (29 June 1926 – 11 November 2012) is due to be unveiled on Friday 6th September 2013 at 3.30pm.
Sir Rex Hunt Memorial, Redcar
Sir Rex Hunt was born nearby on Laburnum Road, he is best known for being Governor of the Falkland Islands during the 1982 invasion.
Sir Rex Hunt Memorial, Redcar

The memorial has a governor’s sword hanging from the side as Sir Rex is remembered for meeting the Argentine invaders wearing a full dress uniform with ostrich plumes and a sword.

Return of the Redcar Penguins

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Despite being wrapped in black plastic yesterday, for the 1st of May the penguins have been enveiled.
Return of the Redcar Penguins
They have moved numerous times since they appeared in 1994 with the placement of the bandstand and more recently with the placement of Sinterlation.
In the background you can see that the picture postcard are back, but they now stretch the pull length of the seafront (theres a puzzle to solve if you look closely for hidden letters)