Sinterlation by Ian Randall, Redcar

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Sinterlation was installed at the end of April 2013 as part of the redevelopment of Redcar seafront.
Sinterlation by Ian Randall, Redcar

The base features some boats to represent the towns fishing history and some steel chains for the local iron and steelmaking heritage. ‘Sinter’ is a mixture of iron ore, limestone and coke used to feed a blast furnace.

Sinterlation by Ian Randall, Redcar

In the background are the re-installed penguins, still in black plastic at the moment.

Return of the Birger Anchor

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As the redevelopment or Redcar seafront nears completion a lot of the items removed are now coming back.
Birger |Anchor, New Location, Redcar.
The anchor has had a coat of paint and got a new plaque.
Birger |Anchor, New Location, Redcar.
My previous post may not be correct as further research suggests the Birger broke up on the rocks first and parts of it collided with Victoria Pier later, as such this photograph I used last time of a complete ship beached doesnt seem to fit anymore, although the pier does look freshly broken with pieces hanging down.birger.jpg

British Steel House, Redcar 1977

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I recently acquired a document from 1977 that was given to staff of the newly built Steel House.
Theres no longer a large canteen and kitchen and the branch of Barclays Bank is long gone, however the hessian walls are still here !

Steel House

There were some teething troubles in late 1977 as only one lift was operational due to a strike by the national lift maintenance engineers.

A ‘modern’ office like this must have been quite something at the time as a series of open day was held in early 1978 with 1000+ friends and family visiting the building.

Geoff Waterfield Memorial Sculpture

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The Geoff Waterfield Memorial Sculpture was unveiled on 11th February 2013 outside SSI UK Steel House as a tribute to the union official who headed the “Save Our Steel” campaign to bring iron and steel making back to Teesside. Geoff having died suddenly before the plant restarted.
Geoff Waterfield Memorial Sculpture
Geoff Waterfield Memorial Sculpture

The sculptor Lewis Robinson used the last slab to be manufactured by Tata Steel in 2010 and the first to be manufactured by SSI UK in 2012.

A temporary exhibition in Steel House showed the manufacture of the sculpture.

Geoff Waterfield Memorial Sculpture
Geoff Waterfield Memorial Sculpture
Geoff Waterfield Memorial Sculpture
Geoff Waterfield Memorial Sculpture
Also a list of those who contributed.
Geoff Waterfield Memorial Sculpture

Wesleyan Chapel, West Terrace, Redcar

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For such a prominent building in Redcar, information is surprisingly hard to come by, the recently published Redcar and District Local History says it was built in 1869 at a cost of £4000 with seating for 650. That information is sourced from the Bulmers Guide of 1890
Redcar, Wesleyan Chapel

Redcar, Wesleyan Chapel
Although the 1884 Ward and Lock Guide state that a Wesleyan Chapel was built near the center of town in 1860 (although this could be elsewhere it doesn’t seem to tie in with anything else)

There are addition references to hint at both dates :-

Guisborough Wesleyan Methodist Circuit Register Of Baptisms Redcar Section. (1860 – 1926)
Redcar Chapel (Trinity) – Booklet entitled “100 years of Service. Trinity Methodist Church, 1869 – 1969.

Update : Fred Brunskill comments that the earlier methodist chapel was from 1853 and on the High Street where Clinkards now is on the right of this photo.


UPDATE April 2013 :-

Walked past today and it looks like the building is being demolished, another sad loss.
Redcar Chapel Demolition
I managed to get a shot of the roof from the beacon.
Redcar Chapel Demolition

The Redcar Tank

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Many towns in the UK were presented with tanks at the end of WW1. I’ve seen three photos of the Redcar tank, one shows it at the railway station in 1919.tank4
Two others show it at the end of the High Street.
At some point it was apparently moved to the corner of Lilac Grove and Coast Road where some British Legion seating exists today, but as was the fate with the majority of these tanks they were used for scrap in WW2.

British Legion Seats, Redcar

Stench Pipe, Laburnum Road, Redcar

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Despite 5 years of constantly keeping my eyes open for items for the website, I had managed to fail to spot something that’s about a minutes walk from my own house !
Stench Pipe, Laburnum Road, Redcar
This Stench Pipe must date from around the time of the construction of Redcar East (late 1930’s)
Stench Pipe, Laburnum Road, Redcar
Its stamped “Adams Ltd York” which shows it was made by Adams Hydraulics, who still exist today.